And there we go, next plot-progressive post is up. :) I've left things open for team Rag-tag to do a bit as they please. Character-interactions and what have you. There's no rush in moving forward, since you're all kind banged up, except Artemisia [sub][sub]that coward...[/sub][/sub] so feel free to have a little bit of a pow-wow between characters and resolve this whole, unwanted talker-busiess. ^^ As for Team Church... Meet Maxwell, a level 35 Cleric. He's very evil. And has very much lost his marbles. Also meet his three animated undead, of the Zombie-variety. They're all level 18. Funny thing about zombies in Oublioth: They can [b][u]only[/u][/b] be killed by either smashing their heads, or burning them. [i]Nothing else[/i] can kill or stop them. Chopping off their limbs? Won't stop them. Cutting off their heads? Won't stop them. Shooting lightning bolts at them? Won't stop them. They're a very slow, very simple but very annoying enemy to fight because of this. They make excellent meat-shields though! Also, Atua, as you may have noticed, has had a "Dominate: PErson" spell cast on her. She will continue to serve Maxwell until he, or you boys, bite the dust. :3 [b]EDIT:[/b] Well, obviously things like Turn Undead or Holy-element damage can alzo hurt zombies, but that's a generic weakness of all undead.