Elaranna was shocked by the figure's accusations but Ander wasn't so phased. "[color=00a651]So, let me get this straight lad. You, who are obvious no weakling, are scared of a woman who wields a wee bit of influence in town? And because of that little bit of influence, you're willing to let others suffer just so you can get away. I'm sorry lad, but whatever kind of villain she might be, you might be worse[/color]." Ander said. "[color=00a651]Now, if you be willing to tell us what you know about whatever is going on in town, we might be able to help out. If the three of us manage to solve whatever is goin' on and then you'd be left alone in peace. Hell, you might even be a hero to the town, one who rooted out corruption, stood up to it, and came out unscathed. Not really a bad deal. And if we help you out, the odds of success are better then ya doin' it alone, you know that lad.[/color]" Privately, Ander suspected that something like this is why Hyrsam actually sent him here. To topple another fool who had too much power for their own good. Meeting Elaranna again was just a bonus. Elaranna looked between Ander and the stranger, wondering how this would go. However, she kept an eye on the stranger, watching them carefully for an signs of deceit.