[hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjk2LmNlZjU4Zi5SWEpwY3lCVFlXMWhaV3csLjQA/mafakanev.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] What they were seeing matched the blocks they were carrying--right, Eris did feel some kind of star pattern on the block he had been carrying. So he had been carrying a yellow block with stars, and Wells had been carrying a blue one with the moon. What could he do with that information? There might have been something obvious he was missing, he needed to try not to overthink. He was right above the kid, they were both facing something similar. Anything that touched the light would disappear, and he couldn't move from his spot. Wells thought they were supposed to touch the approaching symbols. It was as good a guess as any, but even though he wanted to agree, the whole 'not moving' thing did throw a wrench into things. But it [i]sounded[/i] right. Eris just wasn't sure why he couldn't commit entirely. There was definitely something he was missing, but he had no idea what. Then again, the exam [i]was[/i] supposed to be a test of trust, so maybe a leap of faith was the right response. That said, he wanted to make sure they were completely on the same page. [color=ccff99]"Okay. I'm going to add 'touch them at the same time' to that theory,"[/color] He said. [color=ccff99]"The way we got in here was in sync, maybe we're supposed to touch them together, too. I think."[/color] He paused. [color=ccff99]"Was there anything else from the riddle that might be a clue?"[/color] [/indent][hr] [sub][right]Keeping calm with [@Scribe of Thoth].[/right][/sub]