When the battle started, and Shiranui was watching the battle Slushie smiled and pointed to Liam on the screen. "Sand-Sandshrew!" He cried with joy. [hider= the interruption] There was a pair of cackles echoing through the smoke. One was clearly masculine and the other feminine. "[color=f49ac2]Prepare for trouble,[/color]" the female said. "[color=6ecff6]and make it double.[/color]" the male replied. "Here's our mission, so you better listen," Both said in unison. "[color=f49ac2]To infect the world with devastation,[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]To blight all the people in the Johto Nation,[/color]" "[color=f49ac2]To denounce the goodness of truth and love,[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]To extend our wrath to the stars above,[/color]" "[color=f49ac2]The stunning beauty, Cassidy![/color]" "[color=6ecff6]And the Unmoveable wall, Butch![/color]" "[color=f49ac2]We're Team Rocket, circling the globe all day and night,[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]Surender now, or you will certainly lose this fight.[/color]" "Shuck-Shuckle" A Shuckle at the duo's feet added in. Liam sighed. Can't I have [i]one[/i] Championship battle without a pair of Rocket bozos interfering? Go away now." Liam warned. The pair of Rockets laughed. "[color=6ecff6]Oh please, You've already used all but one of your Pokémon. It's not like you stand a ghost-type of a chance against us,[/color]" "Did you idiots look at the scoreboard?" Riku called out indicating that both trainers still had two Pokémon left that hadn't been on the field yet and that Liam still had his Greninja on top of that. "Besides, if you are members of Team Rocket, should Jessie, James, Billie, Kidd, or heck I don't know [i]Team Rocket's boss[/i] have told you to leave me alone?" Liam added. Butch and Cassidy just cackled at the comment. "[color=f49ac2]Oh, please there is no way you could have defeated the boss, and besides we are so much stronger than Jessie and James that it is like comparing a Weedle and a Tyranitar.[/color]" Butch and Cassidy both tossed out an Ultra Ball. A Hydragion and a Haxorus emerged. "[color=6ecff6]Even if you have more Pokémon left than we thought, you have already used your Fairy,[/color]" this comment was aimed at Liam. Both Liam and Riku tossed the ball they had in their hand out. Sending out Goodra and Garchomp respectively. "Garchomp, Dragon claw on Hydragion!" Riku called. "Goodra, Dragon Pulse on Haxorus!" Liam called. The attacks were fired off and hit the Rockets' dragons. "Draco Meteor!" Butch and Cassidy called in unison. The double super-powerful dragon attack rained on the Psudeo-legendary duo of the champion and his challenger, taking a huge amount of damage as a result. "OK, I've had enough of this," Liam said as he activated his Z-Power Ring. "Goodra, use your full power! Fill you breath with Draconic Spirit! Let it build up and cumulate in a mighty burst! Use Devastating Drake!" "Garchomp, use Dragon Rage!" Riku ordered. The Dragon Rage hit Haxorus, making it stumble backward and bump into Hydragion as it gets blasted by the Z move. From there they get pushed back into Butch and Cassidy, who are sent blasting off. Once the Rockets were dealt with, An official came by and healed Garchomp and Goodra so that the effects of the Rockets' intrusion was minimized. Once everyone was ready, and the TV signal was restored the battle could resume. [/hider] [hider= Round 7] [color=ed1c24]Liam[/color]-vs-[color=39b54a]Riku[/color] [s][color=ed1c24]Lycanroc (midnight)[/color][/s]-1-[s][color=39b54a]Gyarados[/color][/s] [s][color=ed1c24]Nagenadel[/color][/s]-2-[s][color=39b54a]Rotom[/color][/s] [s][color=ed1c24]Sylveon[/color][/s]-3-[s][color=39b54a]Leafon[/color][/s] [color=ed1c24]Greninja[/color]-4-[s][color=39b54a]Espeon[/color][/s] [b][color=ed1c24]Goodra[/color][/b]-5-[b][color=39b54a]Garchomp[/color][/b] [color=ed1c24]-[/color]-6-[color=39b54a]-[/color] "Goodra, Dragon Pulse!" Liam called. "Garchomp, use Dragon Claw!" Riku replied. The attacks went off with Garchomp slicing the Dragon Pulse. Garchomp wasn't able to make it to Goodra. "Sandstorm!" Riku called. "Dragon Pulse!" Liam called. Garchomp whipped up the Sand Storm, which allowed him to evade the Dragon Pulse, thanks to Sand Veil. (Sandstorm 1) "Alright, Time to show what we learned in Alola buddy," Liam said while activating his Z-Ring. "The power of Poni Canyon, coming directly to you, take the full brunt of our Draconic Power! Use Devastating Drake!" Goodra fired off the Dragon Z move using Draco Meteor as its source. The attack launched through the sandstorm and made a direct hit, dealing significant damage. "Use Dragon Rush!" Riku called. Garchomp made a critical hit on Goodra, activating Gooey and lowering its speed. (sandstorm 2) "Garchomp, Draco Meteor!" Riky ordered. "Goodra, use Dragon Pulse!" Liam called. As the meteors fell, Goodra fired off the attack, resulting in both attacks hitting. (sandstorm 3) Goodra was really feeling the effects of the Sandstorm and was starting to look worse for wear than Garchomp was. "Dragon Pulse!" Liam ordered. "Dig!" Riku replied. Garchomp jumped underground to avoid the attack. (Sandstorm 4) "Dragon Pulse down the hole!" Liam called, but Garchomp survived. Garchomp leapt out of the ground and made a direct hit, activating Gooey again. (Sandstorm 5) Goodra was almost KO'd. One final hit would mean the end for him. "Dragon Pulse!" Liam called. Goodra fired off the attack, "Garchomp is unable to battle, Goodra wins!" The ref called. As the crowd cheered, Goodra weakly waved to the crowd before falling over from exhaustion KO'd. [color=ed1c24]Liam[/color]-vs-[color=39b54a]Riku[/color] [s][color=ed1c24]Lycanroc (midnight)[/color][/s]-1-[s][color=39b54a]Gyarados[/color][/s] [s][color=ed1c24]Nagenadel[/color][/s]-2-[s][color=39b54a]Rotom[/color][/s] [s][color=ed1c24]Sylveon[/color][/s]-3-[s][color=39b54a]Leafon[/color][/s] [color=ed1c24]Greninja[/color]-4-[s][color=39b54a]Espeon[/color][/s] [s][color=ed1c24]Goodra[/color][/s]-5-[s][color=39b54a]Garchomp[/color][/s] [color=ed1c24]-[/color]-6-[color=39b54a]-[/color] [/hider] [hider=Round 8] Both trainers readied their next Pokémon. They both tossed out their ball and both sent out a Charizard. [color=ed1c24]Liam[/color]-vs-[color=39b54a]Riku[/color] [s][color=ed1c24]Lycanroc (midnight)[/color][/s]-1-[s][color=39b54a]Gyarados[/color][/s] [s][color=ed1c24]Nagenadel[/color][/s]-2-[s][color=39b54a]Rotom[/color][/s] [s][color=ed1c24]Sylveon[/color][/s]-3-[s][color=39b54a]Leafon[/color][/s] [color=ed1c24]Greninja[/color]-4-[s][color=39b54a]Espeon[/color][/s] [s][color=ed1c24]Goodra[/color][/s]-5-[s][color=39b54a]Garchomp[/color][/s] [b][color=ed1c24]Charizard[/color][/b]-6-[b][color=39b54a]Charizard[/color][/b] "Charizard vs Charizard, begin!" The ref called. "Amazing, now we have both trainers using Charizard! But, Which Charizard will out do the other, and if Riku come out on top, will his Charizard manage to finish off the Champion's Greninja as well?" Mike commented. "Flamethrower!" Riku and Liam called in unison. The fire attacks met in the middle of the stadium and were equal in power. "Amazing, both Charizards are equal in the power of their flamethrowers," Mike commented. "Iron Tail!" Riku called. "Flamethrower!" Liam called. Riku's Charizard took the fire move and smacked Smaug with the Steel-type move on the head. "You've done well Riku, but it's time for me to step it up," Liam said. "Now, Smaug Mega Evolve!" Liam activated his Mega Ring and made Smaug become Mega Charizard Y, and causing the sun's rays to intense. "Now, Blast Burn!" Liam called. "Thunder Punch!" Riku called. Smaug fired off the powerful fire move and made a direct hit. The move's power was softened due to it being not very effective. Riku's Charizard slammed an electrified fist into Smaug. (Sun 1) Smaug had to recharge, allowing Riku to use Thunder Punch again. Smaug was hurting from this. (sun 2) "Fire Blast!" Liam called. The attack hit and scored a critical hit. "One last Thunder Punch!" Riku called. Riku's Charizard scored a critical hit. (Sun 3) "Focus Blast!" Liam called. The attack hit and activated Blaze. "Thunder Punch!" Riku called. This move put Smaug down to where Blaze would activate if he still had it. "It looks like the next hit may settle this battle," Mike commented. (Sun 4) "Fire Blast!" they both called together. The attacks launched off and exploded. When the dust cleared, Smaug had reverted to normal and both Charizards were unconscious. "Neither Charizard is able to battle, this is a draw. Because the Champion still has his Greninja, he retains his championship title!"The ref called. The crowd cheered wildly as the trainers recalled their Charizards. Liam stepped forward and shook Riku's hand. "That was a great match Riku, you came close to winning," Riku stood there stunned for a moment before replying "Thanks," and shaking Riku's hand as the fireworks went off. Liam and Riku walked backstage to heal up their Pokémon. While back there, a man in a suit approached them. "Ah, that was a great match boys," He said. He then asked to talk to Liam, who agreed to follow him, after having said good-bye to Riku. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rose, and I am the chairman of the Galar Leauge. A powerful Champion like you would make an excellent competitor for Galar's undefeated champion as an exhibition match to kick off our next season. Are you interested?" Rose asked. "Liam agreed and Rose said he would set up the travel arrangements, including for Liam to bring some friends along with him. [/hider]