[hr] [center] [h1]Jalestar[/h1] [@Lucius Cypher] [/center] [hr] Jalestar stared listlessly at the crowds forming, one hand holding his head and the other messing with the empty pint glass in front of him. The brawl barely phased the young man neither did the warforged that came near. [color=7bcdc8]“Taken at such a young age, and left me here...all alone,”[/color] He mumbled to himself, thoughts that were probably not supposed to be spoken. The man snapped out of his thoughts when he finally processed that the warforged had said something to him. He cleared his throat, [color=7bcdc8]“Sorry. Yes, the city. There’s been some talk of Xanathar’s Guild and the Zhentarim being in a massive fight lately. But, given that they are two large seedy networks, I doubt that comes as a surprise to most. Could cause some issues though, like causing a raucous in an already rowdy bar.”[/color] Jalestar gestured to the half-orc and five humans as if they should have heard him and took note of his complaint. He turned back to Yoh and shrugged, [color=7bcdc8]“Other than that. The city’s pretty much the same.”[/color] [hr] [center] [h1]Yagra[/h1] [@Decker219][@Skwint] [/center] [hr] By the time Baldrick had gotten into the cleared area of the brawl, Yagra was already on top of the bald, tattooed man. The man was looking close to unconsciousness and trying to claw his way out from under the half-orc. The four men with the tattooed man all looked ready to pounce the woman. Baldrick’s comments fell on deaf ears. The four men sprang to action, only to be stopped by yet another getting into the middle of the fight. The thunderous voice was much harder to ignore and the look of the creature was much more intimidating. Instead of staying to fight, the four grabbed onto their leader and yanked him free. All rushed out the door without another word. The half-orc stood dusting herself off, and turned to Atone, [color=ed1c24]“Thanks, but I could have handled that myself.”[/color] [hr] [center] [h1]Meloon[/h1] [@Vertigo] [/center] [hr] Meloon’s attention was drawn back to the woman across from him once the fighting had been settled. He gave a friendly smile, [color=8493ca]“The Yawning Portal can be quite a rowdy place, you’re right. Most people here are adventurers after all. A lot of them are even here to go down that, well.”[/color] Meloon waved a hand over to the well in the center of the tavern. [color=8493ca]“That’s how many people get into the Undermountain. Unfortunately, not many people make it back out. I’ve been down there, and I was the only member of my party to survive.”[/color] [color=8493ca]“Not to worry though, there’s plenty of advenuring that can be done without going into the Undermountain."[/color] The man realized that his words may have sounded discouraging and quickly put his focus back on her rather than the well. [color=8493ca]"You know, not many people ask about how to become an adventurer. They just sort of seek it out. Like those that go into that well. They heard the rumors about the Undermountain and came here to give it a try. I’m sure there’s plenty of people around that could use some help in Waterdeep, why not start there?”[/color]