Dear Recipient Light fog and soft misty rainfall greet most travelers in Arkham these days. The city inhabitant's seem unaware of the strangely out of season weather, going about their daily routines with out so much as a shrug towards the sky, smiling and waving to each other cheerily. After all, what's a little rain in a city like Arkham? Most locals learned to ignore strange happenings a long time ago. What happens in the shadows, usually stays in the shadows, and it isn't wise to make room for those shadows. Of course there are those who feel a bit differently about the strange happenings in Arkham. People who live in rundown apartments with oddly angled roofs and doorways, older folk who live on the outskirts of town and mutter about fish faced people, never going out on clear nights, and corpses that don't stay dead, lunatics locked up in the Asylum's who gibber and moan about strange dreams, dreams of ancient gods and dreams of previous and future lives spent soaring in outer space, and Old Jeremy. Old Jeremy who used to talk about a map his uncle left him, along with a letter that contained all sorts of madness. Old Jeremy who always used to talk about the day he'd figure out what city the ancient map was of, and he'd finally set off to find out what had become of his uncle. Old Jeremy who ran out of his rickety shack in the middle of town jumping and shouting with glee, claiming he'd found the city! Old Jeremy who left home two years, three months, and five days ago... and hasn't been heard from since. Old Jeremy who wasn't around when the rain came, nearly a year after he left. Folks have turned it into a joke, "The rain'll stop when Old Jeremy comes a crawlin back from his crazy adventure half starved, and crazier than when he left." They then slap each other on the back, and chuckle, somehow reassured that the rain really isn't all that strange, Old Jeremy really was crazy, and Arkham isn't any different from the rest of the world after all. But it is. Apologies for the bizarre introduction, I find my mind wanders these days. Ever since Jeremy disappeared things have gotten worse. More of the shadowy visitors have been knocking on his door, though I never answer it. I'm a house sitter after all, not his butler. Oh, of course I haven't introduced myself. Again, apologies, sometimes I get distracted what with... the whispers… you know the ones, the ones you swear are coming from inside the shadows in certain corners of a room even though there's nothing there? Just the wind, most people say, and well normally I say. It's just being alone in this old house I think. Has me on edge. Ah what a mess! I've just reread everything I've wrote and decided I'll have to rewrite the whole thing. Don't know why I'm still scribbling on this paper anyway. It's all these strange things that have been happening, especially the rain. I swear there's something not right about that rain, though it could just be that I'm missing the sunlight. Plenty of that outside of Arkham, which is one reason I'm so loath that I have to stay here and mind this house for Jeremy. Honestly, did he truly need to pawn his problems off on me? I'm fed up with all the strange things going on here, and no one willing to talk about them! I swear if one more No time to explain! The visitors came again, broke the door down, beat me something horrible! I'm off to purchase a weapon or two for when they come back and to send this letter off! No time to rewrite it! My name is Harry Everfield, a friend of Jeremy Stockhold. I'm watching his home for him and I'm worried something horrible has happened to him! I checked his address book and found a list containing names of people he wished me to send for should I ever have reason to believe he may be in dire trouble. Well I surely do. Please make your way to Arkham city, 1111 South Curlew Drive with all haste! I don't know how much time Jeremy has left. I don't even know how much time I have left... Regards Harry Everfield, House Sitter ********* Hello everyone! I am a huge fan of all things H.P. Lovecraft, and as is the norm, the Cthulhu Mythos is my preferred home amongst his creations. That said while this roleplay will take place within that Mythos we will be honoring Lovecraft's wishes and adding our own ideas and flair to his mysterious world. Our roleplay will take place in the late 1920's, to early 1930's though we will avoid the years of World War 2 as that would hinder some of my plans for the roleplay. Player characters may begin wherever in the world they would like, with a few stipulations. They will all be recipients of the above letter, must all speak good English, and be at least moderately inclined to actually travel to Arkham and discover what has become of Jeremy. Characters May Not have powerful motivations that would prevent them from pursuing the main story of this roleplay, nor may they be the type that will cause significant trouble for other player characters. This roleplay will require a decent amount of team work as it will be a detective type story with a Lovecraft twist. That said you can have troublesome characters such as gangsters, cheats, murderers etc. etc. as long as their personalities are such that they will act like normal human beings majority of the time. Your intelligent, you know what I'm trying to say. Characters may be of any profession, and have almost any level of knowledge in any field, save that they may not have had any 1st person encounters with the supernatural up to this point. Any who I think that covers the basics! Lemme know if your interested, and feel free to type up a character sheet for me to go over. We currently have four players and are still open to having more.