Dia stepped back through the wall into the Cell with Benjamin, if she had blood- it would have run cold. Sure she had just faced Josh beforehand, but... Something about him was different, a different spike in his Aura. His motives were hard to pinpoint. Did he want to help? Or was he there to harm? [i][sub]"N...No."[/sub][/i] She mumbled as she stepped back more, seeming to stumble on her own feet and falling down to the ground with a properly audible [u]thump[/u]. Josh felt his body bristle. He had to hold back his powers, he hated this place; it had a feeling of dread, death and hopelessness. Those who are said to be spiritspeakers or spiritwalkers turned out to be crazy or driven crazy by the lack of understanding. He wanted to mention things, but he would be found out otherwise. Surely Vivian knew about him? Did she know about his powers? Josh only wondered before he moved to look through the doorway of the staff room, it was empty for once. The lights had turned themselves off and only the dull glow from the numbers on the microwave trickled through the room. This felt like home, Josh stepped into the room, moving to sit at the table. The light should have flickered back on at the very mention of movement, but they stayed off. The man leaned back on a chair, leaning against the wall as he closed his eyes and listened to the humming of the phone chargers and the oven. [hr] Sara stepped out of the car slowly, not replying to Marcs' words. Her lips didn't seem to change expression, not parting. She looked up to the sky before she looked back down to the real world and looked to Marc, her expression slowly changing to a small smile. "Good thing I only have comfortable shoes." She stated rather matter-of-fact.