Lucien knew that staying here would be too dangerous, so he did not disagree with Faolan when he said they should go. Lingering any longer would end up being too suspicious to the lingering neighbors. As he went to the front of the bus, Lucien focused his attention on Illyana. Slowly it seemed that she was beginning to recover, which was incredibly revealing. This whole situation.. it was unfortunate. There was absolutely no doubt in their minds that Illyana had been abandoned by her parents. All of their suspicions were becoming more likely by the minute, from the picture they had seen to the fact they had only left her things behind.. they didn't want her, and that was hard for him to think about. He could only imagine how all of this was having an affect on the girl. This confirmation however made it absolutely clear that there were things she wasn't telling them, and he knew even though he did not like to pry, it was important for them to ask her about them, if they had any chance of providing her with proper assistance. Aurel had taken a seat on the cot as he watched Lucien and Illyana, clearly worried, but not saying anything. He was anxious to know what they had discovered, but knew it was best to wait until Illyana was better. As they had made their stop, he took note of the look Faolan had given Lucien. He didn't say anything, but he did scoot closet to the bench, his way of showing that he'd keep a watch over Illyana while they were gone. Lucien could easily recognize the look on Faolan's face. With everything they had just discovered he figured it was only a matter of time before Faolan would want to discuss their next move. He glanced over Illyana one more time before he rose to his feet, and followed Faolan quietly out the door. They had.. a lot of things to figure out.