[hr][hr][center][h1][color=Orange]Fae Mintfree[/color][/h1][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/gfTsImGj2fDZGDFl50/source.gif[/img][hr] [color=orange][b]Location:[/b][/color] Compartment 15 [color=orange][b]Skills: [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] Light red began to rise onto Fae's face as the Auror and Atwell continued to reprimand her attitude. Her lips curved down into a deeper frown, the crimson across her cheeks a sign of her oncoming rage. Mostly due to Elizabeth's request, Fae had, for the most part, backed down from fighting, ready to stew in uncomfortable, disdainful silence for the rest of train ride to Hogwarts. But as Flynn and Paige teamed up in their admonishment of her, she felt like a cornered animal, and was all too ready to lash out like one. But then, Beatrice pulled Fae's attention from Paige to the other first year. The poor thing looked like she was falling apart right there in front of them. The fury quickly drained from her face as Fae jumped to her feet, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern. She stared at Chiara, unsure of what to do, but not wanting to do nothing. Full-blown panic was not an area Fae had experience in, and, to be honest, neither were children. She knew fear, but it had always been something she'd known how to shake off. This was completely different. It looked like the fear was consuming the girl. Luckily, both Barnaby and Paige seemed to be familiar with this state of palpable terror, and Elizabeth didn't seem out of her element either. Fae's eyes rotated between each of the people in the compartment, including the white-haired lump on the floor. [color=orange]"Well what can we do to help then?"[/color] Fae asked, not to one person in particular, but the compartment as a whole. She had no idea how to put the poor girl's mind at ease, so she was well prepared to listen to anything anyone might suggest.