I had a Namekian I wanted to use for this but seeing one was already in play I worked on a concept for a Saiyan instead. If there's issues, let me know and I'll do what I can to fix 'em. [hider=Rabi ~ Alone In The Universe] [center][h3]Character Bio[/h3][/center] [b]Character Name[/b] [indent][url=https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS814US814&q=Kohlrabi&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAD2NOxKCMBRFjY4zqJ2NbcbCFhIEYQ021jYMgRA0kCAgv2W4BJfDkqj8DKE7c9-592mHvaanunEk3L7uEloUNIdcyFrAijJa-uSb9WD1c7BIRdyDyR9jyywekVKi7JSPbBu8wyp3vYIrDljZjYwcEU7zNjK8Hmx0piOM6iColOUwgcIerP9WZuGoVZUujCN1sO9mqxo4cUkz_atYM4DtRWbPxM-hFLCMKawpGeaz12L2XmpnGSe5T24f27AYuA4BAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdk5f_zcPoAhVKhq0KHSu3ArYQ-BYwF3oECA8QKg&biw=1280&bih=579]Rabi[/url][/indent] [b]Visual Appearance[/b] [indent]N / A[/indent] [b]Written Appearance[/b] [indent]Rabi stands at 5'2", with a light but muscly physique. Her black hair goes past her shoulders, thick, messy and fuzzy aside from the spikiness atop her head. Her smooth honey-toned skin lacks flaw, aside from her rough scarred hands. Hovering above her blue eyes are two slim but thick eyebrows, adding a bit more emotion to any expression she makes. Her attire consists of a [url=https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_Armor]Basic Model[/url] battle armor vest, along with a short jacket that covers her arms and goes halfway towards her waist: her pants are black and baggy, made of a sleek cloth material that seems to not offer much in the way of defense; And they're often tucked inside of her white combat boots to reduce the baggyness a bit. The poorly cut hole in the back exists solely for the freedom of her tail; Which she always keeps exposed.[/indent] [b]Alias[/b] [indent]None, as of yet.[/indent] [b]Age[/b] [indent]24[/indent] [b]Race[/b] [indent]Saiyan[/indent] [b]Gender[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Power Level[/b] [indent]Dodoria[/indent] [b]Ki Color[/b] [indent][color=FF4500]Dark Orange[/color][/indent] [b]Combat Type[/b] [indent]Ki[/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent][i]Energetic | Cocky | Cynical | Prideful[/i] Rabi isn't exactly a trusting individual: Being betrayed tends to do that to a person. Instead keeping an eye on those around her to ensure they don't stab her while her back is turned. This lack of trust in others has caused her to grow as a self-centered individual who doesn't believe that kindness comes without motive; Making her quite skeptical of others who try to interact with her casually. Her insecurities hiding behind snark and bravado as she tries to assure others that no matter the situation, she can handle the task at hand just fine. For the sake of the job she's willing to be cooperative with others; However she won't actually show much faith in them watching her back, despite the fact she may occasionally watch theirs to ensure the mission goes smoothly. No longer used to actually being close to others, Rabi is a bit quirky and easily embarrassed when spoken to in a sincere manner by a person she's grown attached to: A softer but still energetic and perky side of her that is sensual and caring, that she only truly revealed to one person that she truly cared for in any manner.[/indent] [b]Background[/b] [indent]As a child Rabi and her brother Kohl were raised under a flag: A flag of a small Saiyan raiding group that drifted through space, planet to planet, searching for easy pickings to support themselves. Her father, the leader of the band of Saiyans, always remarked that Rabi was the stronger half to Kohl's smarter half; Training her as a warrior descendant of himself while Kohl was raised as a tactician, both destined to lead the ship after his passing, pushing on to thrive in the universe. However, when their father passed, it was carnage trying to decide on a new leader. Rabi had personal faith in her brother's decision making and thought he should lead; But one disagreement went to another, and before she knew it, one of the older saiyans struck Kohl down where he stood. Enraged, Rabi released a large blast that critically damaged the ship, not staying around long enough afterwards to witness their end; Instead acting quick and damaging one of the two pods on the vessel before evacuating in the other, leaving the ship and it's inhabitants, as well as her brother's body, to become victims of the explosion of the ship and the empitiness of space. Devastated and still angry, there was nothing Rabi could do. Carrying on was difficult, but she carried on taking what she needed until she came across an opportunity with the Planet Breakers; A secure job with a group that would promise her reward...? Now where had she heard that one before. Hmph.[/indent] [indent][h3]Weapons & Techniques/Spells[/h3][/indent] [b]Weapons[/b] [indent][u]N / A[/u][/indent] [b]Techniques/Spells[/b] [indent][u][b][color=FF4500]Rabid Buster!:[/color][/b][/u] Rabi's signature move: She firmly grips one arm, opening her hand and releasing a large energy wave that matches her ki color. [u][b][color=FF4500][url=https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Double_Axe_Handle]Double Axe Handle[/url][/color][/b][/u] [u][b][color=FF4500][url=https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Full_Power_Energy_Blast_Volley]Full Power Energy Blast Volley[/url][/color][/b][/u][/indent] [/hider]