"Don't worry. I still have my ways." said Obi-wan mischievous grin on his face. "You four need to take that control room up there and make sure the door's don't close. I'm going to find one of the main reactors and shut it down. That way, they won't be able to reel us back in with the tractor beam." "What about me? Shouldn't I go with you?" Adam asked. He didn't want to leave the princess' side, but he hated the idea of leaving his master all on his own. "Patience, Adam. Stay here and watch over Kijani and the droids." Before Adam could say more, Obi-wan cut him off. "It is vital that you bring them safely to Alderaan. I can take care of myself." Adam nodded. "Right." was all he managed to say. He somehow got the feeling that he would never see his master again. It was a stupid thought. No one could kill the great Obi-wan Kenobi. Right? "The Force will be with you. Always." the old Jedi master said before departing. Adam tried to follow his path, but he was soon out of sight. He hoped that he would be okay, but he knew that if anyone could do this, he could. Obi-wan had his job, and Adam his own. "Okay. Chewie, keep the droids out of sight. Han, Kijani, let's go to the control room. If a blaster goes off, were done for, so try to keep it quiet." Adam said. Han looked like he wanted to say something about not following orders, but he kept his mouth shut. Adam just assumed it was because Han didn't have a better idea.