[@Yankee] [color=bdbdbd]So this is kind of long. I'm so sorry. Around high school I met this girl, who we'll call Jessica, at a party who I thought was incredibly attractive. I had a type and she was pretty much it. As luck would have it, we ended up playing a game with everyone there and I was randomly placed next to her. I forget the game. Something about being made to do a specific activity with one of the people to my left or right but the game itself wasn't actually important. You might ask why given the context but the party was being held in a Christian home. During the game, we chatted each other up and it was just too good a thing. Down to Earth. First thing she said to me was [color=ffffff]"I'm so sorry you have to sit next to me and stare at the hole in my sock."[/color] to which she fingered it so I could definitely tell there was a hole there. We end up connecting over [s]myspace[/s]. Chatting each other up a bit but, despite my interest, I never try and pursue anything so nothing serious happens. Winter Formal is approaching and I forget how I get here but by chance I'm at this [i]place[/i] where people are practicing for a dance and all of a sudden, [i]she's[/i] there, on stage, [i]dancing[/i]. I recognize her immediately even though she's dyed her hair with reddish highlights or something. I don't know the exact color or style. Anyways, in my excitement, I turn to my younger brother who's sitting next to me and blurt out [color=ffffff]"Hey! You see the cute girl with the red hair? I know her!"[/color] Now it's not loud enough for Jessica to hear but it's loud enough for a lady I don't know to pick up and she [i]immediately[/i] turns to look at me. I see this out of the corner of my eye but dismiss it as surprising her by talking a little too loud. Also my mom picks it up. She asks me later to invite her to the dance and I tell her [color=ffffff]"No. I'll wait."[/color] So she does what any loving and caring mother would do and disregards my need to work up the courage to do something properly... and asks for me. I remember watching in curiosity as she walked over to the woman who I noticed earlier, watched them talk for a minute and then watched in horror as that woman [color=ffffff][b]TURNED TO ME[/b][/color] before walking over to her [color=ffffff][b]DAUGHTER[/b][/color]. Then I hear: [color=ffffff]"LIKE A DATE?!"[/color] And that wasn't the sound of joyful surprise. She said that out of morbid fear. So I run away to die somewhere. Later, I'm told that I was extended an invitation to their house and so I end up going over and meeting some of her family. Afterwards, Jessica pulls me to the side, hands me a Hershey's bar and says [color=ffffff]"You could have just asked me. I would have said yes."[/color] Fast forward to the dance. I can't drive yet so I'm in the back seat with her and we're talking about all the things we share and don't share. She's asking me how I beat Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts. I'm asking her what comic con is like... and freaking the fuck out cause I forgot the dance tickets... and also because I know she dances with a group of other dancers and sometimes I forget how to walk around her. We spend the rest of the night doing the dances our PE Class taught us our Freshman* year and bumping into each other a couple times. It was by far the best dance of my life. [sub]*Kind of important because it's interestingly coincidental but my PE class my Freshman year taught us the Salsa and Square Dancing, etc. I left the school my Sophomore year to go to another and that same year I left, she arrived as a Freshman and learned the same dances.[/sub][/color][hr]Story time over. Reading over your question again, I think that fits the criteria. It certainly reads as embarrassing but what came of it was definitely fond. What's your strangest fear?