"I see" Selina said before shrugging as she said "Well, none the less, if you and I end up in battle toguther, I want to see you and Hibiki fight your hardest, after all, the pouchers and my mother underestimated you. I won't, oh and if you see Shinranui, tell him, Selina looks forward to fighting him". She then waved and left him on his own. Though Zerina stopped for a second before nodding and added "Piece of advice for you young man, those experments done to me and Hibiki go quite deep and has affected our mental state quite a lot. While she may seem fine or flirty on the surface, theres a deep seeded hated and rage within her, everytime she mega evoles, that rage comes to the surface and the longer she stays in that form, the harder it will become to keep her under control and puts everyone in danger. Be very mindful of that, try to keep her happy and tend to her every need" She told him before running off to join her trainer.