I almost forgot. [quote][color=orange][h3]♦ REAPER ♦[/h3][/color][hr] [indent]Nemesis of the FAMA organization and a lot more, REAPER is a strange and heavily armed paramilitary terrorist group. They are lead by the mysterious Abel, a massive man who is feared globally as he has killed dozens of politicians, researchers, millionaires and beyond. He is incredibly difficult to kill as he is seeming a Metahuman that is insanely strong and durable. Assisted by a strange portal technology, REAPER gets right where they need to go and then they vanish without a trace. Each member of REAPER is clad in black armor that covers them from head to toe, helmets that distort their voice, and are heavily armed. In the event that one of them dies (or are about to die), they are equipped with a strange chemical that dissolves their body down to the DNA and leaves no trace. Because of this, it's incredibly difficult to identify members of REAPER and trace where they came from. However, several REAPERS are Metahumans, with the elite members of the group being all Metahuman shock troopers. It's difficult to pinpoint where REAPER will target as they are responsible for hundreds of assassinations, kidnappings, and other terrorist attacks globally. After the incident REAPER has been taking an interest in LA... REAPER agents from all over have been seen in LA and have been bartering with the many gangs. Selling crystals and power granting serums.[/indent][/quote]