I am looking to start, or rather, reboot a war that fell through... The last time I put this forward real-life disallowed me to keep attention to it. For those of you who were interested, I apologize. Moving on, in this setting, the Holy Grail was stolen similar in Apocrypha, and the next iteration is being initiated in Switzerland. It's a War where no Servants will be permitted by players... Instead, I will be playing all of them. Information will be held close to the chest in that regard and only the Master of servants will be privy to their entire stat sheet. All of their opponents will only know basic stats such as Class, Parameters, and a general hint at catalyst. This is to ensure everyone has a chance and not whomever has the best Servant wins, as well as making sure they're balanced against each other in a fair manner. This is a very Story-driven scene about an alternate history, possibly having a sequel if all goes well. Side-Players may ally themselves with the Masters for a more dynamic story, but 'teams' can be no more than two people similar to Kayneth and Sola-ui. This will only be permitted if a sufficient background is permitted. I look forward to playing with you all. [hider=Servants] [hider=Saber] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/638899915656790026/638900017272324141/d5cf3de248dbffb8308e6c5c0c468a2b3d23249b.png[/img] Class: Saber True Name: ??? Country of Origin: Japan Catalyst: A shredded strip of banner from the Sengoku Era Personality Traits: Honest, Unwavering, Headstrong, Traditional Sex: Male Height/Weight: 171cm /67kg Alignment: Neutral Good Strength: B Endurance: B Agility: B Mana: C Luck: A Noble Phantasm: ??? [/hider] [hider=Archer] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/641737660528066561/641737713262788627/5dadb458c0233e9dda4318c00202bcba.png[/img] Class - Archer True Name - ??? Country of Origin: Britain Catalyst: A fragment from a dusky ivory throne Personality Traits: Aloof, Adventurous, Stubborn, Playful, Earnest Sex - Male Height/Weight - 156cm /91kg Alignment - Chaotic Neutral Strength - C Endurance - C Agility - B Magical Energy - B Luck - B Noble Phantasm - ??? [/hider] [hider=Lancer] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/638896536746721291/638896604723675156/652f735ecd0152c867605e55b3c2093909f3b02f.png[/img] Class: Lancer True Name: ??? Country of Origin: Greece Catalyst: A blackened spearhead Personality Traits: Battle-prone, Loyal, Curious, Charismatic Sex: Male Height/Weight: 196cm /104kg Alignment: Lawful Good Strength: B+ Endurance: A Agility: A Mana: C Luck: C Noble Phantasm: ??? [/hider] [hider=Rider] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/638853020138078209/638853046394159106/8f9e67bb7f6d24ec16314260327c6c86.png[/img] Class: Rider True Name: ??? Country of Origin: Germany Catalyst: A runic Script describing an ancient tale Personality Traits: Reserved, Devoted, Accepting, Fearless Sex: Female Height/Weight: 172cm/53kg Alignment: Neutral Good Strength: B+ Endurance: B Agility: B Magical Energy: B Luck: E Noble Phantasm: ??? [/hider] [hider=Caster] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/638853597198680095/638853624532828179/2376723-bigthumbnail.png[/img] Class - Caster True Name - ??? Country of Origin: China Catalyst: A plate of bronze stained with blood Personality Traits: Wise, Tolerant, Submissive, Wishful Sex - Female Height/Weight - 153cm/47kg Alignment - Chaotic Neutral Strength: E Endurance: E Agility: A Magical Energy: A Luck: C Noble Phantasm: ??? [/hider] [hider=Assassin] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/638524769607614504/638524880727441418/1297e9e5e2387b659f26079cf97d3868.png[/img] Class: Assassin True Name: ??? Country of Origin: Greece Catalyst: A scorched piece of Golden Fabric Personality Traits: Distrustful, Disobedient, Pessimistic, Inquisitive Sex: Female Height/Weight: 163cm/51kg Alignment: Neutral Evil Strength: D Endurance: D Agility: B Magical Energy: A Luck: D Noble Phantasm: ??? [/hider] [hider=Berseker] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7c/22/9c/7c229c5ae51a09bd42d817f2cfc2c1fd.jpg[/img] Class: Berserker True Name: ??? Country of Origin: Britain Catalyst: A fragment of a certain Tower in London Personality Traits: Boorish, Merciless, Violent, Disrespectful, Domineering Sex: Female Height/Weight: 154cm /42kg Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Mad Strength: A+ Endurance: A Agility: B Magical Energy: A Luck: D Noble Phantasm: ??? [/hider] [/hider]