Maria shrugged lightly. "That's what everyone else calls me as I'm nothing but a Catalyst here. I don't have a callsign other than that, or my name which nobody seems content to use." She thought for a moment longer before continuing. "Tiger calls me Cat, and so do Wolf and Panther sometimes. I guess it's short for Catalyst, but quicker to say in battle. It's not so bad I guess." She had an obvious lack of protocol in acknowledging rank. Then again, people didn't really treat her as a soldier, but like an enemy civilian. Someone they hated and had no sympathy for, but weren't going to gun down themself. A high pitched ringing seemed to grow in the camp, louder and louder until a dropship was seen escorted by four white fighters. The Catalyst ambassador had arrived, and that meant it was almost time to get moving. "That means it's almost time doesn't it?" She stood up onto the platform and looked up at her machine, and then to Gaunt. "Permission to gather equipment and prepare for deoyment?"