Alastor nodded at Andy's assumption. He was indeed more than smart enough to figure out this primitive device, though he would do so later and at his own leisure. Turning his attention back to Andy as he slid the phone into his pants pocket, Alastor took another sip of whiskey as a thoughtful expression washed over his face. "Come to think of it," he said, absentmindedly swirling the liquid in his glass around. "No, I don't think I did. Then again, can you really blame me? I am used to my found being around me at all times. As such it is rather difficult for me to actually go and get something to eat. That aside though..." He paused, setting his glass down as he moved to the other side of the counter and towards the fridge. "I did find some books on cooking while I was at the library, and if you have the ingredients, I wouldn't mind trying my hand at making a dish or two. Might seem strange for a former lord to be making their own meal, but there is something about the act of meal preparation that I find [I]absolutely[/I] fascinating."