[center][h2]HK-49 "Hank"[/h2][/center] "Bold Statement: Charge weapons and attack, Master HJ. We might not be of much help against the Sith Lord, but his Station we can fight." As if to punctuate my statement, a familiar voice crackles through on the com. [center][h2]Jerus Je'and[/h2][/center] "Did somebody call the cavalry?!" The combined Aderaanian, Republic, and Mandalorian fleet drops out of orbit and begins to open fire on the station as fighters soar out of their bays. "Where are the others HJ?" [center][h2]Zar'kun Je'and[/h2][/center] Blue flames still roil along the length of my sabers as I stand ready to cross blades with Trayus again. "Indeed it is unfair. That six trained and experienced wielders of the Force are against the meat puppet of an old hag being fed the power of lives they forced a young girl to take by force. Truly a terrifying sight."