Charles wakes up early, well before his usual wake up time, deciding to get a serious head start on picking up ingredients for Taco Tuesday. Getting dressed he grabs his wallet and checks to see if he has his credit cards on him. Grabbing a set of keys he makes his way to the door and out to his street legal dune buggy. Still being a little chilly he dons a coat and riding gloves. Heading out into the city he makes runs to all of his suppliers picking up the freshest ingredients possible ranging from hours old fish, seafood, steaks and vegetables. Loading up the buggy to its breaking point he heads to the Lovable Loser's Rainy Day cafe. Taking all the food he begins work on prepping for Taco Tuesday in the best way possible with a buffet style taco bar. He cuts and cooks all the ingredients for the menu for the day, hours before anybody is set to arrive. Several hours pass before he finally opens for the day, setting up for lunch he gets the buffet pushed out, having offerings for anybody including a fully vegan option for the tacos and taco salads. He sets out all the sauces on the side of the buffet line ranging from a sweet sauce to nuclear hot sauce. Taking a break before the lunch rush begins he heads to his office to lay down on his couch having been up and on his feet solidly for 5 hours at this point, passing off the duties to his managers while he takes his break.