[hider=Yoo In-Ah][center][h1][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjY1ZjIwMi5XVzl2SUVsdUxVRm8uMA,,/vtks-hunt.regular.png[/img][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OPnWYmc.jpg?2[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/LSo4hYK.jpg?1[/img] [h3][b][color=65F202]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/color][/b][/h3] [i][color=65F202]"Dare you to look at me wrong."[/color][/i][/center] [indent][color=65F202]▼ [b]| BIRTH NAME : |[/b][/color] [indent]Yoo In-Ah[/indent] [color=65F202]▼ [b]| ALSO KNOWN AS: |[/b][/color] [indent]Name in gang is Slugger.[/indent] [color=65F202]▼ [b]| GENDER : |[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=65F202]▼ [b]| AGE : |[/b][/color] [indent]20[/indent][/indent] [center][h3][b][color=65F202]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/color][/b][/h3] [i][color=65F202]"The brighter the better."[/color][/i][/center] [indent] [color=65F202]▼ [b]| P H Y S I C AL S T A T S : |[/b][/color] [indent][indent] [color=65F202][b]▸ HEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 5'4 [color=65F202][b]▸ WEIGHT : |[/b][/color] 99lb [color=65F202][b]▸ ETHNICITY : |[/b][/color] Korean [color=65F202][b]▸ HAIR COLOR : |[/b][/color] Dyed platinum blonde [color=65F202][b]▸ EYE COLOR : |[/b][/color] Black [/indent][/indent] [color=65F202]▼ [b]| PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : |[/b][/color] [indent]In-Ah is pale, tiny weight wise (the wind could blow her away), she's five-four, her hair is long, and dyed platinum blonde. Her natural hair color is black, but that's boring. When she uses her power it changes to neon blue, her eyes go from black to vibrant green. It's a gradual change starting from the ends of her hair to her roots. Her nose is straight and narrow with a stud piercing and her make up is glitter eyeshadow in a variety of colors with a gloss lip.[/indent] [color=65F202]▼ [b]| ATTIRE : |[/b][/color] [indent]Neon, flashy, and skin tight outfits with black wide net tights and [url=https://contestimg.wish.com/api/webimage/59a2487f7ccae52476f793b2-large.jpg?cache_buster=015150b1dc5f234a036101db64ff4dd9]white light up platform shoes[/url]. At night, during the fall and winter, and on gloomy days wears a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61Gl%2B8eUuQL._UX569_.jpg]white, faux fur, LED coat that a button on the inside to turn the lights on and off[/url].[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b][color=65F202]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/color][/b][/h3] [i][color=65F202]"I'm fucked up."[/color][/i][/center] [indent] [color=65F202][b]▼ | PERSONALITY TRAITS : |[/b][/color] [indent]In-Ah is generally angry at herself, at her family, at the world, and at anyone that looks at her the wrong way. It doesn't take a lot to set her off. She's confrontational, has a hairline trigger, isn't afraid to say whatever she wants at the top of her head. If that includes telling someone to kill themselves she'll say it. She's the first in a fight, because she starts them, whether with her words or with anything she can swing. Her anger is a defense mechanism. She can't help feeling like the everyone is out to get her, since she's been dealt a shit hand at life. Fuck anyone else that might have it worse. What she's feeling is more important. She's deeply insecure about who she is and feels unlovable, because her father couldn't love her, her mother didn't think she was important enough to save her own life, and her grandmother thought of her as a test subject, so why would anyone find her worth loving. Can't disappoint anyone when what they see is what they get, so she intentionally makes others see her in a negative light. She's kept up this act for so long that she doesn't know who she is anymore.[/indent] [color=65F202][b]▼ | SKILLS : |[/b][/color] [indent][color=65F202][b]Eh, Batter, Batter SWING![/b][/color] - Used to be a pinch hitter on a softball team from elementary to middle school. She left the sport, but hasn't lost her power to hit it out the park. Instead of softballs, it's anyone she'll pick a fight with. Bats, crowbars, pipes, etc. If she can swing it she will. [color=65F202][b]Bilingual[/b][/color]- Korean and English; learned Korean from her parents and the neighborhood she lived in. [color=65F202][b]House wife[/b][/color]- Learned to do housework, cooking, cleaning, laundry, the works, in a bid for her father's attention. [/indent] [color=65F202][b]▼ | BACK STORY : |[/b][/color] [indent]In-Ah's story starts before she's born, like sixty-three years, but that can wait. Instead, let's start when she's six years old and her mother slapped her father out of frustration. See their marriage was an arrangement between her grandfathers when they were newly married to their wives, drunk, happy, and making a new life for themselves in America. Problem with arranged marriages is that man and wife may or may not fall in love with each other. Her mother tried, but her father wasn't into her. In-Ah thinks it's cause he's a psychopath that can't feel anything and if she wasn't angry all the time she'd be inclined to believe she's the same way, since she looks like him. But she's getting ahead of herself. Back to when she was six. Her parents got a divorce and she wanted to live with her father. Sweet little girl thought he'd be lonely without her. Her mother left her there and so began In-Ah's lonely desperation for her father's attention. She got good grades, excelled in softball, learned to cook and clean, pressed his suits for every day of the week, things her mother used to do, but nothing she did got an ounce of praise from him. He was the owner of an upstart technology company that made bank before he got divorced. New money brought the attention of gold diggers, cause no one else would want her father for any other reason. He remarried three times in three years. Each woman didn't want her around and either flat out ignored her like her father or treated her like Cinderella. His last wife was the one that stuck around, because she was just like him. Ambitious, emotionless, and cared less about intimacy and relationships that weren't business oriented. Children weren't in her plan, so she convinced her father to give her to her mother. In-Ah came home from school with her stuff packed and her mother waiting for her in the driveway. She didn't want to go, but when her father barely said a word when she begged and screamed to let her stay, her heart broke. For the next four years, In-Ah grew close to her mother. She felt freer than ever, softball became her life, she didn't have to act mature for her mother's attention, because she always had it. If there was a problem, she could talk about it. If she had questions, she could ask almost anything. The only questions she wouldn't answer was anything pertaining to Deltahumans. In-Ah found a fascination with them, because she thought they were badass and had lingering thoughts about if her father would've love her if she could do cool things like they could. But her mother wasn't having any of it. She didn't discuss what Deltahuman related injuries that came through the ER. In-Ah tried to do her own research, but her mother blocked sites related to Deltahumans and she didn't have internet on her phone. She could only use the computers at school for a limited time and lord forbid she borrowed books about them. Her mother's irrational avoidance of Deltahumans made her afraid to continue research lest she get sent away again. When she was thirteen, her mother was mugged and killed at a bus stop early in the morning after her twelve hour nurse shift at the hospital. After that nothing mattered. She quit softball and became numb, though her rage simmered beneath the surface. Her father didn't take her in, turns out he moved from Koreatown to Beverly Hills and had another kid. So she was sent to her maternal grandmother, whom she'd never met for whatever reason her mother had kept her away. She lived in the rough part of Koreatown, lived off her retirement funds and the left over insurance money from her grandfather. Her grandmother was sweet, but a little weird. She was forbidden from going in the basement and she always wrote in a worn leather notebook. In-Ah tried to be around her, but she couldn't bring herself to connect with someone new. Her last year in middle school was spent with friends trying to talk to her and be supportive, but she wasn't receptive at all. Every time she was invited out, she kept to herself and kind of killed the mood. She stopped being invited out and her friends withdrew from her. Thoughts of not being likable came and went, until they didn't go away. She was unlikable, horrible, her father didn't even want her and someone took her mother from her for the twenty in her wallet. God had jokes, but He wasn't done laughing yet. In high school she fell in with the wrong crowd. Kids that ditched class, drank and did drugs under the bleachers, and got into petty fights. They were just as shitty as her. Her grandmother scolded her once out of obligation, but didn't bother after the first time she was called for a fight like she was waiting for something to happen. In-Ah went to a party thrown by one of her "friends" and got into the worst fight she's ever been in. It started in the kitchen and traveled out to the lawn where she was chilling with her friends and toking up. Some dude fell on top of her, she and her friends jumped on him and the person that the guy was fighting. Dude's friends jumped them and it was brawl in the middle of the neighborhood. Lightweight that she was it took nothing for her to get knocked over and trampled on. Creatures that were her carbon copy sprung out of her fingers and took on the people brawling with her friends. She passed out after a clone threw the last punch. She came to in a hospital, bruised, and aching. Her grandmother at her side with the proudest look she'd ever seen. She barely got a word out before she explained how she was third generation Type-Blue Deltahuman. Her mother never understood the importance of it, she said. That this was a gift to praise, she said. In-Ah barely kept up. After she was discharged from the hospital, she got a more cohesive explanation. Her grandmother was a first generation Deltahuman in 1963. She got her abilities while working in a lab in South Korea experimenting on the crystals. Her abilities were to cast small illusions. Like hide small objects she didn't want anyone to see, or make them see small things that weren't there. She and her husband, with their best friends, her paternal grandparents, moved to America where there were better testing facilities. They had her mother and they were excited to see if she had inherited a power. Her mother spent afternoons after school taking test after test, so they could learn how powers manifested in children. Nothing came until she was fifteen and was able to create objects from her imagination. Apparently her mother hated her powers, horrified by what she could do and didn't want to be a lab rat anymore. Not that she had to worry about it, when the lab was shut down and the crystals were taken. Her grandmother managed to sneak out a blue crystal. When her mother graduated high school, she nearly ran away from home, never mind that she didn't have anywhere else to go, but her parents stopped her by making a deal. If she married their friends' son, then they'd get out of her life for good. Her grandmother revealed that they kept track of her mother through In-Ah's father and told him to keep tabs on whatever children they had for abilities. They lost track when she moved in with her mother. Her grandmother was happy she came to live with her, because she was there for her power manifesting. In-Ah didn't know what she was talking about. What power? Turns out she knocked out everyone between the front lawn and house. The doctor that saw to her in the hospital was one of her grandmother's colleagues and tested her blood. The results came back positive. What? So all this time her grandmother didn't care about her, and let her do all the shit she did in hopes that her power would come through? God finally got to the punchline. In-Ah's rage boiled over. Did anyone want her? Her father didn't give a shit, her mother would rather die than use the one thing that could save her life, and her grandmother was just as shitty now as she was back then when her mother dipped out. Fuck it. If no one wants to give a shit, then she'll make sure no one ever gets the chance. In-Ah didn't stick around after that. She was sixteen when she ran away and stayed with one of her "friends" whose parents were too strung out on drugs to realize there was someone else squatting in their house. She dropped out of high school too and got a job at McDonald's to save money for her own place. That job didn't last long, so she moved from on job to the next, until she was eighteen when she got a job working as a phone sex operator. She never got her own place either. She just moved from "friend" to "friend", toxic relationship to toxic relationship, and spent her money on clothes. When LA got fucked up she was on her way home after a rave the night before.[/indent] [color=65F202][b]▼ | PERSONAL ARC : |[/b][/color] [indent] In-Ah needs to learn the world isn't out to get her, to see beyond her own nose and be considerate of the people around her. To discover there are healthier ways to express anger than confrontation. Hopefully she'll find an innerpeace. [/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b][color=65F202]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/color][/b][/h3] [i][color=65F202]"Will fuck you up."[/color][/i][/center] [indent][color=65F202][b]▼ | POWER CLASSIFICATION : | [/b][/color] [indent] Type-Blue[/indent] [color=65F202][b]▼ | POWER DESCRIPTION : | [/b][/color] [i]Phantasm Puppetry.[/i] [indent]In-Ah's hair and eyes change color when she uses her power. She has the ability to create translucent copies of herself that mimic her current appearance down to the clothes. These Puppets are capable of a wide range of feats and she can control them to do whatever she wants them to do. They're connected to her by a tether, a near-invisible cable that connects to her hands, and she can create one puppet for each finger. They're nearly impossible to see. When people look at them they'll appear like vaguely shaped masses of blurry air, except under certain kinds of lights, then they appear white. They can interact with the environment like a person - they can attack, grab stuff, etc - using a telekinesis. They're no stronger than In-Ah, however when people touch them and they touch people in turn they feel like glass. They also have flight; they can float freely in In-Ah's range and she can see, hear, and feel what they do. [indent] [i]Levitation.[/i] [indent]In-Ah has a limited self telekinetic ability that allows her to float up to twelve feet into the air. It's not Superman flight; she won't be able to travel any faster than she normally could run, but it's still a useful ability. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=65F202][b]▼ | LIMITS : | [/b][/color] [indent]The Puppets are attached to In-Ah by a string, and can travel up to one hundred feet away from her. If they try to go further they won't be able to go any faster and will yank In-Ah. The Puppets aren't completely invisible, just hard to see. Any type of UV light will reveal them, and they are easier to see up close than a mile away where they'd be impossible to see. In-Ah can only create ten at a time, but if one gets destroyed she'd have to wait an hour before she can summon them again. If she tries to go beyond her limit they'll instantly shatter and it'll hurt. The Puppets' max speed is as fast as In-Ah can normally run.[/indent] [color=65F202][b]▼ | WEAKNESSES : | [/b][/color] [indent]The primary weakness of the Puppets is the tether that connects them to In-Ah. If it's severed the puppets will disappear, but she can instantly remake them. The tether is one aspect of her ability that she cannot alter and will follow the Puppets where ever they go. The Puppets are as durable as glass - regardless of what size they are - all it'll take is one solid hit to shatter them instantly. She feels a phantom pain whenever they get damaged. She also sees through their eyes, but she can't see through her own eyes and her senses are dead if she uses the ability too long.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b][color=65F202]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/color][/b][/h3] [i][color=65F202]"Ate her out in the bathroom once and couldn't get enough."[/color][/i][/center] [indent][indent]She's gay.[/indent][/indent] [/hider]