Zephyr shook Matthews hand and listened to what weirdness he had gone through. Honestly it sounded like his night was much more eventful, although Zephyr was sure everyone had strange stories now that all of their lives had been flipped upside down. "Well I didn't have anything like that happen, although I suppose I did have someone unintentionally buy me enough time to escape." Thinking back to that night felt so long ago now, how long had it really been? A day or two? Zephyr had lost track, everything had become a blur. "In the lobby of my building, agents had already entered and some guy was completely on fire, keeping their attention off of me. I don't even know his name, we lived in the same building so I probably knew him. I'll always remember him though." Why was Zephyr the one chosen by the Violet Underground but not this other person. The likely answer is one Zephyr didn't like; that he was just lucky and was chosen randomly. He broke free from his thoughts and told Matthew a bit more about his night. "Anyways, before we escaped from the city there was some rubble in the way. I made my skin hard as rock and moved it out of the way. So there's that, although with everything that happened that's probably pretty standard fare with people here."