[Center][color=A290F5][H1]Felix Jones — MY-1801-FJ[/H1][/color][/Center] The boy watched the interaction play out in front of him, trying his hardest not to be noticed from where he stood. He had briefly considered positioning himself between the teen and older woman when the former of the two had expressed some measure of hostility towards the latter, but in the end, his shyness had gotten the better of him and he’d decided not to try and intervene unless something actually happened. Fortunately, it didn’t come to that, as the boy’s shadowy friend had moved further down the corridor, drawing with him the attention of the rest of the group. [color=goldenrod]"Please tell me I am not the only one that sees that."[/color], the boy was confused when he heard the teens words. Why would she be the only one to see his friend? Not knowing how to respond the boy opted not to instead rushing to catch up with the aforementioned friend. It was only then that the boy began to hear the voices that his friend must have been reacting to when he’d moved down the corridor just moments before. [i]One was enough, why did they have to keep encountering new people?[/i] The boy noted the appearances of the new group as he reluctantly followed his friend closer to them, not really finding much of note within their appearances, at least not by his own standards, save for the colour of the patches they had on their clothing. Red not yellow. [i]Did that mean they were more dangerous or something?[/i] The boy felt like that might be close, but with his memories missing as they were he couldn’t quite tell and trying to work it out in his head only caused his mind to once again spiral into frustrating confusion, prompting him to squeeze the stuffed animal his friend had handed him to calm himself. His confusion was short-lived however, being interrupted and immediately replaced with different questions as the smaller of the two newcomers introduced themselves and their companion. [color=A290F5]“You know your names?”[/color], the boy asked, hoping that even though they’d just admitted to not knowing anything about this place that they might at least have some answers for him to go off, he definitely didn't much like being confused. [@Bartimaeus][@AelitaJezebelle][@t2wave][@duskshine749][@Rabidporcupine]