A soft snore came from the sofa. A skinny man with bedhead snorted as he lifted his head. Was it six already? He sat up and scrubbed his eyes. "What, babe?" He asked groggily. His last shift had really taken it out of him. He probably should have gone to bed rather than watch TV on the couch. [hr] Meanwhile, the autumn air danced a few stray leaves across asphalt. A brisk chill was settling over the city. Orange leaves dappled the ground in the streets, and schools were back in motion. New York city was known as a place where anything could happen. People from all walks of life inhabited this one jungle of buildings and roads. It was safe to say, however, that no one could have predicted the events that would unfold here. "The end is near, people! Revelations is upon us! The ground will break open and flames will devour us all!" Most people would have written this guy off as just another loon. But, given the recent and out of place earthquakes, maybe he was on to something. The dooms dayer was standing by a section of taped off street, the road having collapsed in the middle. It had happened the night before, during another unusual tremor. Earthquakes? In New York? That's what just about everyone was saying. So far, no one had been hurt. As police kept the section of road blocked off and construction workers mulled around, a stranger loomed just on the outskirts of the scene. He was dressed in an old, black wool coat and slacks. He looked like someone who had just stepped out of an old timey movie. Or maybe as if he'd raided some old man's closet. Hipsters ran around dressed like this all the time now adays, but this guy was different. His face was tucked into a scarf, and he seemed to be avoiding anyone who came close to him. He was distinctively uncomfortable, but he'd remained to hang around for at least an hour now. He held a small notepad in his hands, which he would write in occasionally. Finally, one of the workers noticed his odd behavior and went to question him. The man looked up from his notes and backed away as he was approached. Finally, he turned and walked off quickly, disappearing around the corner and out of sight. He wouldn't be back. The worker shook his head and went back to surveying the scene.