[@Nyxira][@Bazmund][@Randomness] [h2][u]Blade[/u][/h2] 'Sure, kid, whatever makes you happy,' he replied brusquely, to both her name request and her name for him. He'd honestly not had the knife on his arm in mind very much... did it mean something? How could he figure it out? It was familiar, anyway - as was the thorny heart on his other arm, though somehow the impression that gave him was a fair bit worse. It was all kinds of fuc- ...weird. It was all kinds of weird. He might have said it was all kinds of fucked-up, if he'd had half a second of thought more. No, actually, turned out that would have been overselling it. The scene he just walked in on? Four corpses - three guards shot through the heads, a scientist clearly ripped open by some animal, and then just one guy eating some fucking cereal like nothing had happened? Nah, nah. [i]This[/i] was all kinds of fucked up. 'Awww, [i]santa mierda, esto es todo tipo de jodido,[/i] what the [i]fuck?[/i]' he blurted out, kind of putting his hand up half-heartedly so that Dolly wouldn't see any of it... but shit, man, what the hell was he going to do about that? Christ. Even Druggie Dougie- or Hoodie, whoever- realised shit was fucked up here. Backing up, he sort of, pushed Dolly away from the cafeteria by her face, back into the hall, door closing behind Dougie... ehh, Dougie could leave if he wanted. Point was, he'd need to do some cleanup if Dolly didn't want to be traumatised or whatever. If she wasn't already. Were those voices? He turned round to see- [@Bartimaeus] [i]-what the fuck was that shadow thing?![/i] 'JESUS CHRIST-!' The thing was threatening. He needed to kill it. Though he'd jolted back at first, he almost immediately sprinted past Sticks and toward the monster with a furious roar, crossing the distance in mere seconds, and leaping at it to knock it to the floor, straddling its body and levelling blow after blow on its face once it was down! Ha, it was solid, and that meant he could beat it to death! As he punched it over and over, he shouted out '[i]¡TOMA ESE, HIJO DE PUTA! ME APUNTÉ A MATAR A ESAS PERSONAS, ¿VERDAD? ¡NO ME MIENTAS![/i]' Man, this was hard on his fists for some reason! [@t2wave][@duskshine749][@AelitaJezebelle][@TheMushroomLord][@Rabidporcupine] He really hadn't noticed the other people present yet. Furthermore, it'd be clear to Casey in particular that his outburst was fuelled by fear as much as rage - at least assuming he was able to coordinate his thoughts throughout the storm of fists the Spaniard was laying down.