[quote=@KiwiTime] [hider=Ava] [img]https://art.ngfiles.com/images/766000/766439_hushabye-valley_blop.png?f1546280183[/img] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Ava [i]Subject's original label upon capture was SG3U199 This name was deemed inappropriate by other Heroes, who named her themselves...[/i] [u][b]Hero Name:[/b][/u] Exchange [u][b]Nicknames:[/b][/u] Chomp / Tiny / Lizard / Ect [i]Often any references to her physical appearance that she understands will cause her to respond.[/i] [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 19 [u][b]Date of Birth:[/b][/u] October 13th [u][b]Physique:[/b][/u] 151cm / 4ft11. Ava possesses snow white skin and hair interrupted only by irregular thin red stripes along her entire body. They possess powerful legs and a nearly 9 foot long prehensile tail. Both of these paired with their surprisingly low weight makes them extremely mobile both vertically through climbing their own tail or other structures and while running. They also possess two rows of massive, sharklike teeth and a long, prehensile tongue. [u][b]Blood Type:[/b][/u] AB+ [u][b]Occupation:[/b][/u] Hero [b]Side:[/b] Hero [u][b]Affiliation[/b][/u] H.E.R.O [u][b]Tier:[/b][/u] c- [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Extremely curious and childlike, Ava is a rather fast learner given her abnormal biology and being kept in stasis and on life support for a good 10 years. She retains a terrible temper however, only kept in check by a sense of reason that, once again, one might see belonging to a child. She is extremely keen on making friends. The animalistic portions of her biology meaning that she often prefers physical contact with those she enjoys being around, often becoming extremely territorial and protective of those she deems to be a part of her 'family'. Despite much of this pointing towards her being an abnormally intelligent monster, she despises causing lasting harm, and even goes as far as to feed only on meats that she does not know the source of. Her primary food source being meats means that until she can get over this fear of hers she is not to be notified of what animals that many meat based foods come from. [u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] A genetic abomination born in a lab, Ava was first known as SG3U199, Subject Group 3 - Unit #199. Very little is known of Ava's life outside of what was found on the experimentation logs left by the late Doctor Shelly, the woman responsible for the only known Human/Leftover experimentation. The Doctor in question having taken her own life soon after recognizing the inevitability that the organization H.E.R.O would apprehend her. The vast majority of her early life was spent on life support, first through her mother who used her powers to take upon herself the more dangerous side effects brought onto her child from being spliced together with a modified strain of Leftover DNA. After her Mother's passing and 5 more years of life support until she was able to survive the early sicknesses and side effects, Ava's life was experiments and medical and psychological research. What kept her alive? What did she eat? What was her biology like? The question seemed to be, just how 'human' was she? And could she be influenced? Following the raid of Doctor Shelly's lab and the subsequent extermination of the vast majority of her failed experiments, the Heroes who had been tasked with the mission brought back Ava if only due to her surprising lack of hostility towards them, and later on the discovery of her experimentation logs. During her year of initial containment, non-invasive study and education, it was decided both through her own wants and the acceptance of the H.E.R.O organization that she would become a hero. In the short amount of time she has spent among the Heroes she has done surprisingly well, like an eager teenager's first day of High School, she may be overly enthusiastic and literal about her newfound job, but with a little bit of teaching the girl may be worth something yet. [u][b]Power:[/b][/u] [i][u]Mutations[/u][/i] [i]Jaw Strength[/i] - Incredible jaw strength coupled with a surprisingly durable skeleton means that when measured, her bite is easily capable of putting out nearly 3,000 PSI, several times more than powerful enough to crush bones, or a skull for example. [i]Prehensile Tail and Leg Muscles[/i] - Extremely powerful leg muscles allow her to jump a height of nearly six feet without the aid of her tail, giving her a vast amount of vertical mobility as well as horizontal mobility, as her body seems to be made for running and climbing. Her recorded top speed is roughly 50 MPH, number not to be scoffed at seeing as the fastest recorded land animal is not that much farther ahead. [i]Static[/i] - Constantly generating static electricity, Ava is able to subconsciously gather this energy in her fingertips and toes to allow her to climb sheer surfaces for short amounts of time. If allowed to gather energy for a while however, this can often result in an accidental shock comparable in strength to a weak civilian grade taser. [u][b]Other[/b][/u] Favorite Songs - (Paralyzed-Ken Ashcorp cover) (Anything by the Gorillaz) (Anything Frank Sinatra, Particularly 'Blue Moon') As a joke somebody commissioned an engineer online for a phone charger that would function when applied to Ava..... It worked. Said harness was given as a joke gift. [/hider] [/quote] Looks good! Move it on over. [s]good thing you deleted your last post or else it would've been really bad for you[/s]