[hider=Henry Olin][CENTER][h1][b]Henry J. Olin[/b][/h1][/CENTER][center][sub][i]"Sorry about... crushing the chair."[/i][/sub][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ro9I3A8.png[/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][b]▼ | BIRTH NAME : |[/b] Henry Jonathan Olin [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]▼ | ALSO KNOWN AS: |[/b] Dragonfly [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]▼ | GENDER : |[/b] Male [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]▼ | AGE : |[/b] 43 [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [b]▼ | P H Y S I C AL S T A T S : | [/b][/sub] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub][b]//Basics: ▸ Height[/b] | [i]9'8[/i] [b]▸ Weight[/b] | [i]~4000lbs[/i] [b]▸ Ethnicity[/b] | [i]Japanese-American[/i] [b]▸ Hair Colour[/b] | [i]N/A[/i] [b]▸ Eye Colour[/b] | [i]Yellow[/i][/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b] ▼ | PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : | [/b][/sub] [indent]At full height, Henry stands at a gargantuan 9'8, making him easily one of the tallest people alive. Henry is still distinctly humanoid in appearance though, and has scales are a dirty white coloration, with black, puma like splotches and stripes that liter his his body giving him a very interesting, Tegu-like coloration. His scales are thick and leathery in one direction but rough like sandpaper and sharp in the other, his skin being like that of a shark's- made of tiny teeth. Henry's body proportions are off compared to a normal person, and are closer to that of a lemur or other old world simian with longer limbs relative to body size. Unlike these primates however, he is extremely muscular: every inch of Henry's frame is taut and reinforced with muscle; he is visibly the strongest person around- if you were to call him a person at this point. He has a long, thick tail, which is prehensile, and extremely strong, made up almost entirely of muscle. It can curl up like chameleons or drag along the ground like an iguana’s, most often it comes up and off the ground helping his massive frame balance more easily. Henry's hands have mutated heavily, his fingers elongating and growing huge six-inch sickle claws. With one, his pinky, becoming a rough nub, is degraded away leaving him with only four usable fingers. His feet have already warped, having lost his pinkie toe and all of his nails, instead having thick, heavily padded feet and massive claws. All of his toe claws are capable of extending like that of a cat's claw and releasing a huge sickle claws nine inches in total length. Henry's mouth and jaw have extended outwards as his head warped with his transformation, his nose and face broadening outwards into a very saurian snout, with his ears and nose and other cartilage structures degrading away. He is entirely unrecognizable as the man once known as Henry Olin.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table] [center][b] ⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/center][center][sub][i]"If I show them that they can get to me, that they can make me lash out, they win."[/i][/sub][/center][sub][b]▼ | PERSONALITY : | [/b][/sub] [INDENT]Henry is, despite what you might expect from a grizzled and military trained professional, a pretty cool guy with many stories to tell. Over the years he has gone from a greenhorn with something to prove to a mellowed out and good-natured man who tries his best to see the best in people. Because of his condition, Henry has developed thick skin and seemingly endless patience. He has heard every insult under the sun thrown his way, and is almost impossible to visibly phase even if certain comments do get to him deep down. At the end of the day, he has spent his life trying to compensate for being inhuman by being the better person, as convoluted as that may seem. Growing up what most would think a monster has led him to develop a strong sense of justice and empathy- especially for the downtrodden. Henry can be extremely charming, and outwardly friendly when a person is receptive towards him. He is particularly good at making connections to people and his strong sense of empathy and wealth of experience grants him intuition where many fall short- often picking up quickly when someone is uncomfortable around him, scared of something, or is feeling something that they are unable or unwilling to communicate for whatever reason. Henry has a powerful voice and coupled with his large presence, he tends to command attention wherever he goes and to whomever he talks to. To a certain extent, Henry revels in this, enjoying the attention. On the flip side, he also dislikes the attention he inevitably receives simply by existing within the general vicinity of someone who doesn't like his organization, or what he is. Deep down, Henry wants to be accepted as one of the good guys. The world is, after all, a very judgmental place when you're a beast. On the inside, Henry is an exceedingly lonely individual. He has been all his life- oftentimes feeling and being told that he is ugly or undesirable, and has developed quite a case of body dysphoria. People like him were exceedingly rare, and people like him even more so. He has felt different his entire life in a terrible way, understandably so. While so many of his peers were granted superpowers that did nothing but raise them up, his life was torn away and apart in front of him. He watched his peers go to dances with dates and find love where he found none- and coming home to an empty home day in and day out has extracted a heavy toll on his heart. He firmly believes that he will never find love or be loved in that way. Desperation has led him down many paths of embarrassment, and some that he is particularly ashamed of. On days where he is reminded of his position, he teeters on the edge far more than he will ever admit to those that are close to him. Henry does find limited solace in those that do give him a chance, though. He is an extremely good friend to those that he cares about, and because he has so few ‘friends’ his kindness has been abused time and time again in the past. He’s a bit of a doormat in that sense- too afraid to stand up for himself to the people he cares about because he thinks that if he does they’ll leave- even if he knows deep down that they don't care about him. At least not in any genuine or meaningful way. In this sense he prefers empty company to crushing isolation- anything to not be alone. He tries too hard, picks up tabs where he shouldn't, desperately tries to stay in contact, overextends, and becomes protective or jealous where he shouldn't- and his true friends stop him or forgive him for it. At this point in his life, those friends, that rhythm of separation and closeness is what he lives for. The reminders that they aren’t him, which is good since he's not a very good friend to him. If it came down to their life or his, he wouldn't even have to think- it wouldn't even be much of a choice at all.[/INDENT] [b]▼ | SKILLS : | [/b] [indent]Henry is a highly trained and experienced officer, having operated in the FAMA organization and RAVEN before it. An expert tactician- another product of his service, Olin underwent the Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) course, which teaches its students effective techniques when fighting in urban or other condensed environments against unseen enemies, including how to identify traps and likely ambush points. Extensive qualifications and use of firearms has given Olin an extremely broad understanding of how to utilize firearms in most environments and conditions, and his FAMA training has taught him a plethora of hand-to-hand, knife, and rifle fighting techniques to instill discipline and ready them for service. As a result of his intimidating size and the raw power and resistance he readily possesses, he oftentimes is relegated to specialized enforcer teams, bomb defusal units, or security jobs when not on standard patrol. So for the most part, his days as an active combatant are behind him. [/indent] [b]▼ | BACK STORY : | [/b] [indent]Henry was born in 1978. When Henry was born, he was average weight, and had a full head of hair and looked like a little old man. He did nothing but scream and shit for three days after that. And for a while, Henry was a normal boy. He attended normal school, was normal height, had the same issues and problems as a normal person from a middle class Canadian family. Then, when he turned twelve in secondary school, puberty hit him like a freight train. Unlike most, his awkward phase was extremely short. Also unlike most, he was exposed to a delta event and turned into a lizard monster. Within the span of a week he had literally eaten all the food in the house, undergone excruciating pain, and became literally the most pissed off kid you will ever meet (brooding teenagers have nothing on him). He quite literally nearly took his sister's hand off for trying to swipe away a spare meatball. If this was Oregon trail everyone's diets were set to bare bones for about eight days for sheer survival purposes as he literally ate everything (there are still bite makes on the dinner table for evidence). Henry's mother took him to the hospital, and too many forms of therapists and none of which had ever seen something like him before. Henry was taken out of school, and as he regained control over himself and his body calmed down, he wasn't anywhere near what he was when the transformation began eight days before. Standing at a staggering 6'5 from his previous 4'11, and weighing in at a gaunt 210lbs, Henry was unhealthy, and overall sick, but still much larger and stronger than his own father. His body was still suffering the effects of the chemical changes and metabolism shift from warm blooded to lukewarm. His awkward stage continued for another week or so as his body adapted, and gained weight. He ate as much as before, but he wasn't as violent in doing so. Eventually he calmed down over the next two weeks, being a solid 401 lbs. At the weight of 411, he was actually capable of passing urine and passed his first stool since he began the change two and a half weeks before. When school started up again he did online school, and when the 8th grade year ended, Henry's family was contacted by the Academy program. When Henry entered ninth grade Henry was enrolled at the prestigious Academy 3, and excelled. Despite his inhuman appearance Henry's social life boomed at the Academy and it was the first time since his seventh grade that he interacted with people that weren't part of his immediate family. It is the sole reason why Henry is capable of functioning in society. No relationships though, as you can probably imagine. Upon graduation, Henry became an officer in the now defunct RAVEN organization. Henry served for several years without leave, working many times with Adam Blackmore and the like against REAPER and other terrorist organizations. When the Verthaven Disaster occurred, Henry was a field agent with Adam Blackmore in the city. Adam and Henry, among a few other agents were trapped in the dome and had to survive then onslaught that followed. In a grand battle against the Devil itself, Adam succumbed to his injuries despite being a man of resiliency, grit, and experience to match Henry's own. The only thing Adam lacked following the battle was the ability to heal. Henry was one of very few to walk out of that city alive. He attended many funerals, gave many speeches, and even started a charity called the Verthaven Foundation to finance the educations of metahumans with similar debilitating abilities like his own. After RAVEN became defunct, Henry was homeless for a time, but was found and quickly hired by the new organization FAMA in 2004. Henry has been serving vigilantly ever since, and has recently been stationed in LA to assist with the rise in metahuman related crime. [/indent] [center][b] ⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][center][sub][i]"Just get it all out of your system now so we can move forward."[/i][/sub][/center][/center] [sub][b]▼ | POWER DESCRIPTION : YELLOW| [/b][/sub] [INDENT]Henry is a large, and very, very physically imposing Meta human, if not due to his sheer size, then to his power. Reptiles are extremely resilient for their sizes. His size and powerful build grants him incredible strength- Enough to damage structures, bend steel, and resist inordinate amounts physical punishment. Like most reptiles, Henry is covered in scales and while he is not armored like a crocodile, the thick interlocking scales produce a coat of dermal armor that is as puncture and tear proof as Kevlar. His front limbs are longer than the average humans, allowing him to move on all fours with no discomfort, and his torso is slightly elongated, allowing him to almost prowl like a large cat. Coupled with a leg structure that is very different to the usual humans (with his ankle joint extending out and giving him a second leg joint to work with) and his strength and the m. caudofemoralis muscles (the ones that attach his legs to his body and tail), he can effectively sprint at forty miles an hour. His legs are extremely strong and with the propulsion of his arms he can effectively lunge over ten meters forward. Mobile joints and powerful muscle attachments in his arms and legs allow him to be surprisingly agile for a creature his size. Henry has an extremely powerful set of senses (hearing, sight, and smell, etc). Especially smell. He has two ways of smelling the air, which is through his nose and then through his tongue like a snake. Also like a snake, he has two pits right in front of his eyes that allow him to heat-seek, and like a gecko has color night vision. Along his snout there are tiny pores that allow him to actually sense mild electrical pulses that come from muscle movement and the heart beating. His blood also has displayed a much lower pH than that of regular blood, making it un-survivable for most diseases, and will denature protein based compounds such as venom to the point where they function at a less potent effect, or simply do not function at all depending on the lethality. Henry also has several other less superpowered abilities in common with several species of reptiles, amphibians, and birds: A bacteria infested bite, claws, a nasty set of triple rowed teeth (some shark like, others more crocodilian), the ability to breathe underwater through his skin, and some other weird things thrown in there. He has a regenerative healing factor that allows him to regrow full limbs if they are lost, not just his tail, within a relatively short period of time. This healing factor is extremely potent, and while it does not have the speed of say, Wolverine, it does have the ability to redirect and reroute the flow of blood in his body with a complex set of muscles that close off and contract upon separation or damage. Because of this ability he has displayed the ability to continue performing and functioning even when an alarmingly large portion of his body has been damaged. In theory, Henry could have his skull blown off, but fully recover from the encounter if his body is recovered and stabilized. Small cuts and bruises heal within minutes, but things like crushing trauma or puncture wounds from high caliber firearms take much longer and will likely put him out of a fight. Henry is a survivor. Like all reptiles he is incredibly resilient by nature, often not showing signs of illness or pain until it's either too late or he's gotten over it that, in combination with a natural accelerated healing rate, can make him very hard to kill. In times of trial and dire need for food and sustenance Henry has shown that he has ‘lukewarm blood’. His body temperature normally hovers around 76-81 F at any given time, as he is warm blooded. However, he can change his metabolism style to cold blooded, and can hibernate in this stage for a very long time, to the point where liver failure is the cause of death before he actually starves.[/indent] [sub][b]▼ | LIMITS : |[/b][/sub] [indent]Different levels of injury require different amounts of time to bounce back from. Being hit by a car might result in a few fractures, which would mend within the hour. Being shot in the lung, if the bullet is high enough caliber to penetrate his hide, or falling debris could put Henry out of the fight. He might be a juggernaut of a person, but he is not invincible. On the note of bullets, while his body might be resistant to low calibre firearms, he is not resistant anymore than a regular man is to the major bruising and internal damage that the force of the bullet carries. This ability to heal so efficiently and quickly has eroded Henry's instinctual urge to hold himself back in strength related activities. Under normal conditions most beings use only 20-30% of their potential muscle usage. Archie is very capable of using 100%- resulting in muscle fiber damage and other issues that would be crippling. lifting and throwing vehicles, while possible, is taxing on his body. Sometimes too taxing. If he is subject to enough physical strain in a short time frame that his ability to heal cannot keep up with it, he is very likely to collapse and hurt himself further or, depending on the situation, become a sitting duck. Henry is a very big creature. This means that he has difficulty squeezing into some areas and do no befit him with the gift of endurance as his frame's size and his genetic abilities make him naturally lack locomotion stamina. He can only maintain a 40 mph sprint for a short period of time. Long periods of extended movement are not his forte because he's just not mechanically built for that- no matter how large his lungs are. He is heavy, and it puts a monumental toll on his body to keep up a fast pace. This however, is not nearly as much of a problem in the water.[/indent] [sub][b]▼ | WEAKNESSES : | [/b][/sub][indent] Because his senses are so powerful, sensory overload can be a big problem for him. He literally cant handle large amounts of bright light and loud sounds because they can cause him a lot of pain and confusion. His vision also gets fucked up when stuff gets into the heat sensing pits, he's pretty blind in those cases because that tends to give him a pretty trippy experience. Imagine your eyesight being flooded with nothing but blurs of red and yellow and being unable to see anything but that mix. Henry has thick, strong bones. While stronger than a human’s, they are not invincible. If Henry put his full strength into throwing a punch at a steel wall, he'd smash the steel alright. But he'd probably break all of his knuckles and give his arm about six fractures. He needs to be careful. He was a human once, as hard as that may be to believe and humans were not built to be as big as he is. The only reason he's able to survive and thrive is because his body changed with his size- but he cant throw himself around without seriously injuring himself. Impacts become more and more dangerous the larger the body gets, and Henry is a very large person. Because he is so large, Henry is also almost impossible to miss. He demands attention, and while he is quite a bruiser, focus fire and a lack of proper cover can quickly wear him down. If he goes into a hibernation like state to last as long as he does, he will most likely do nothing but breathe once and hour for a very long time. It is an emergency thing to do and it really isn’t good for his body to do it for long. I’d also like to point out once again that Henry’s regenerative ability is NOT like that of Wolverine’s. It’s several times as fast as a human’s, but he will NOT bounce back from any wound unless it’s minor, much like a normal human. It can take him months to grow back a limb, and weeks to recover from various other injuries (The average stab wound recovery time is the two to three weeks. Henry would recover fully over the course of a better part of a week). [/INDENT] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hQVSBKq.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Sierra Hilton][center][h1]Sierra Hilton[/h1][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7XPF1Da.jpg[/img] [hr] [h3][b]⫸ B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"Okay, mom! I'll fill out the form. Why do they need this information if they have my photograph?"[/i][/center] [indent] ▼ [b]| BIRTH NAME : | [/b] [indent]Sierra Leanne Hilton[/indent] ▼ [b]| ALSO KNOWN AS: |[/b] [indent]N/A[/indent] ▼ [b]| GENDER : | [/b] [indent]Female[/indent] ▼ [b]| AGE : |[/b] [indent]19[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ A P P E A R A N C E ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"I feel like I'm going to the doctor or getting my driver's test again."[/i][/center] [indent] ▼ [b]| P H Y S I C AL S T A T S : |[/b] [indent][indent] [b]▸ HEIGHT : |[/b] 5'4 [b]▸ WEIGHT : |[/b] 112 lbs [b]▸ ETHNICITY : |[/b] American of French/Canadian descent. [b]▸ HAIR COLOR : |[/b] Dark brown [b]▸ EYE COLOR : |[/b] Blue [/indent][/indent] ▼ [b]| PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION : |[/b] [indent]Sierra has a squared, angular face, sharp jawline, and piercing eyes. Her eyes are vaguely almond-shaped and possess a icy blue color like her father. Dark hair and eyebrows frame her face, with her hair coming down to the middle of her back when let down. Her skin has a warm ivory tone to it, further committing to her fairly dark color palette, and is incredibly clear of any blemishes or scars aside from a few sun spot freckles here and there from her time in the sun. She is lean, but not skinny, although she doesn't possess a great deal of muscle mass [i]or[/i] weight as she does not exercise much beyond jogging and yoga. It keeps her cardio up and figure right, but not much more than that. While her figure is well founded, because she doesn't dress provocatively she is for the most part spared from sexualization at first glance. She has no piercings or tattoos.[/indent] ▼ [b]| ATTIRE : |[/b] [indent]Sierra's attire changes drastically throughout the day depending on the instance you run into her with- although she tends to go for well fitted clothing that is fairly easy to wear and wash.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P S Y C H O L O G Y ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"Parental issues. Turned a birthday party into a 'surprise metahuman' party... Oh, and I have a 4.91 rating on Uber."[/i][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | PERSONALITY : | [/b] [indent]First and foremost, Sierra is an inherently curious individual with far too much energy for her own good. From a young age she could never sit still, which only worsened when her power manifested at the age of five. From then on, she would simply send copies of herself to school, while others would wreck havoc on the neighborhood, house, and home. Her years of experience and literal [i]lifetimes[/i] of study have made her an expert in hundreds of skills from cooking to engineering, and yet despite this she carries herself with modesty and no shortage of humility. Her people skills are top notch, and she has found that she far prefers being quietly intelligent rather than a mouthy know it all. She abides by the rule of spreading knowledge wherever she goes, but speaking only when necessary. Sierra, thus, is kind. She has reached the far end of the Dunning-Kruger curve and knows that even if she knows as much as she does, she still knows nothing. A firm believer that every person she'll ever meet knows something that she doesn't. Her excitement is [i]infectious[/i] in nature, her antics and passion often swallowing other people up whole in her energy to do something. Everything she does, she goes with gusto, laughing a full bellied and unladylike laugh, smiling with all teeth, and moving with a flow that is both childishly passionate and wisely experienced, as if she is a master craftsman excitedly creating their magnum opus. This weird combination has often landed her with a few demeaning insults thrown her way about being ADHD or hyperactive. She can be a lot at times, especially to introverts, and has difficulty reigning her ever buzzing mind and energy in- especially when it is alight with many conversations at once. Some people are threatened by her intelligence, or skill set, and the child in her that just wants to be accepted aches with unease and desire to be liked- often resulting in her overcompensation (which therein usually results in her making things worse). She is still not quite sure how to deal with challenges like these, but if there is one thing that has been driven home in her life, it's that there's nothing she cant do if she sets her mind to it. After all... better busy than bored. [/indent] [b]▼ | SKILLS : | [/b] [indent]Due to her power, Sierra is an extremely diversely skilled and well rounded individual. She has so much time during the day that her opportunity cost for doing things is far lower than most. Media- Sierra is extremely well versed in all forms of media- movies, books, magazines, video games, comics, you name it and she has almost definitely seen it, read it, or played it and will understand the reference. She is also a massive history and sports buff. If you go up against her on trivia night, she is incredibly sorry for the [i]massive ass whooping[/i] you are about to receive. Languages- Sierra is proficient in reading and writing in eight languages to an advanced degree: English, French, Spanish, German, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Arabic. She is capable of reading dozens others to a fairly basic degree, but cannot speak them having dedicated more time to the other aforementioned languages that she found more intuitive to her. Music- Sierra is quite literally her own band, and she is capable of reading, writing, arranging, and performing with several instruments such as the keyboard, electric and acoustic guitar, bass, drums, all sorts of brass and wind instruments, and other stringed instruments. She is also a vocalist- being an alto, and while she's good she is not particularly show stopping or abnormally good. Art- Sierra is an exceptionally well practiced artist with both pen and pencil as well as paintbrush. She regularly does paintings or sketches of various people, places, and things preferring to draw what she sees instead of what she imagines. Other forms of art she regularly partakes in as well, such as photography and dancing. Cooking- Sierra is a [i]master[/i] chef. Chess- Chess, and other strategy games are some of Sierra's favorite pastimes. She regularly plays against herself and other people if they are willing to go up against her. Technology- While not quite as common a skill for young women in her age bracket, Sierra's ever inquisitive brain has taken a liking to anything relating to computers and software. She can build computers, solder electronics, and code entire websites. She is certified for Microsoft Office, the Adobe suit, and is an excellent video editor. While she is not certified, she is extremely experienced in IT and often finds herself diagnosing and solving advanced and simple technical problems. Well Studied- Years of reading has led Sierra to be extremely knowledgeable in a plethora of subjects such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, history, zoology, astronomy, physics, pathology, psychology, among many other subjects. She is by no means certified and doesn't regard herself as a substitute for a licensed and practiced individual, but she does possess bachelors degrees in several of the aforementioned subjects. Naturalist- Years of curiosity has landed her in the wild and in some fairly compromising positions. She's fairly adept as an outdoorswoman. Years of camping, bird watching, hiking, fishing, and generally exploring has made her an excellent survivalist. She is very familiar with most species of animals and plants in all areas of the USA and knows all of the constellations and other celestial objects in the sky. In edition to this, she is also experienced with bow hunting- although she is far from an expert huntswoman. List may be expanded. [/indent] [b]▼ | BACK STORY : | [/b] [indent]Most of Sierra's life before the age of five was fairly standard, all things considered. She was a normal child, who did normal things. She was smart, sure, but she wasn't abnormally so for her age. She slept, ate, socialized and went to school just like many of her other friends. Life changed when her father, an esteemed chemist, brought home a delta crystal that resulted in Sierra becoming the metahuman she is today. The results weren't immediately apparent, instead her abilities manifested a day or so later when she needed to the bathroom but didn't want to miss out on cake at a friend's birthday party. Life was... well, never quite the same after that. This first use of her abilities resulted in quite a madhouse at first, with her family not knowing quite what to do with her and her being a terrified, traumatized mess of a little girl who suddenly lost her entire friend group in the span of an afternoon. Eventually though, life fell into a sort of rhythm. She was, and always had been an only child in a fairly well off family. She went to school again, this time her mother placing her in an boarding school while she also was home doing a variety of other activities from reading to horse riding. Life was eventful, and exhausting for her family, ultimately resulting in a divorce between her mother and father that was neither her fault nor theirs. Life was suddenly just too weird and too stressful. It's been years now, and she has worked through the feelings of grief and self blame for the most part, and has come to accept her parent's choice. She bounced between the families for a while initially- mostly as a result of law. She tried stay at both their homes at once, but found that this often worsened the situation as it was [i]her power[/i] that had caused the rift in her previously happy family. She took up quieter, smaller, and much less expensive hobbies for a time, with her now being close to fourteen years old, in an effort to not exacerbate the problem. The day she turned fifteen, she joined the workforce- finding any and every possible job that would take her early so she could earn some extra cash to further her immense list of hobbies without driving a greater rift between herself and her parents. Working many jobs, and often, resulted in other more work related hobbies such as starting a small time law and garden care business in her neighborhood. This was her first introduction to gardening, and more importantly, finances. Naturally, she dove head first in to satisfy her ever prying mind. Day and night, rain or shine- often earning the nickname "Miracle Girl" for her seemingly incredible work ethic and regular use of miracle grow. Turning sixteen only broadened her horizons further, and since she did not have space in her driveway for more than a few cars she often found herself carpooling or ubering with herself to various jobs- oftentimes playing it off as a case of twins or triplets if anyone happened to notice that she was dropping herself off at work. Her resume was beginning to seem more like a laundry list than an actual resume at this point, and that's when big brother started paying attention. She graduated university in just under three years, taking her typical 'divide and conquer' strategy to college and finishing with... [i]several[/i] degrees. Since leaving university for the time being, Sierra has relocated to LA in an effort to job search for a more long term career(s). [/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ P O W E R I N F O R M A T I O N ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"Army of one."[/i][/center] [indent] [b]▼ | POWER CLASSIFICATION : | [/b] [indent]Type-Yellow[/indent] [b]▼ | POWER DESCRIPTION : | [/b] [indent]Sierra has the ability to clone herself to an unprecedented degree and is able to split and re-merge at a fast pace similar to mitosis. Each version of Sierra operates independently, but harbors a rudimentary hive mind that allows clones to send directives to one another. Each clone is indistinguishable from the others. This allows Sierra to do multiple tasks simultaneously or to cover a large area. Sierra has no original or main copy, and killing or injuring one single copy does not harm or impede other copies. If one copy is dismembered but still alive, it can recombine with another copy without issue. A copy that is killed or dies cannot be recombined, and acts like a regular corpse. Because of this, while individual copies of her can be drugged or damaged in the grand scheme of things Sierra is technically immune to the effects of drugs, both medicinal and otherwise, and alcohol so long as another copy of her is present. Sierra is intuitively able to locate and coordinate with her copies, but in an event where Sierra is unable to locate or recombine with a copy, she can send a directive that removes its survival instincts, and the clone usually expires shortly after.[/indent] [b]▼ | LIMITS : | [/b] [indent]Recombination requires physical touch. Sierra is limited to a maximum of sixty copies at a time, and can only produce sixty copies in a 24 hour period. An injured or impeded copy cannot duplicate itself. Cloned copies cannot share their memories remotely with one another, they must recombine to share anything other than directives. Sierra's body, blood, and organs are extremely similar, genetically, to a human's, but different significantly enough to disqualify her from organ or blood donation. Cloning only clones the body. Clothing not included. Because of this she almost exclusively clones herself in private. Sierra and all of her copies are completely sterile. All clones must be within a 100 mile distance of one another, otherwise losing their survival instincts and usually perish shortly after. She instinctually knows when she is approaching this threshold and maintains appropriate proximity from her other selves. Sierra does not have any [i]advanced[/i] understanding of where or how her other clones are. She must recombine to inherit the information of a clones previous whereabouts.[/indent] [b]▼ | WEAKNESSES : | [/b] [indent]All of Sierra's clones are completely human and aside from being clones and capable of cloning themselves have absolutely no standout features or traits. No super strength, no shitting lasers, no blood manipulation- nothing. They are as durable as normal people and are mostly canon fodder in any form of combat.[/indent] [/indent] [center][h3][b]⫸ O T H E R ⫷[/b][/h3] [i]"Do I submit my resume here or something?"[/i][/center] [indent]N/A[/indent][/hider]