Hello, hello, hello! I am looking for a partner to help me flesh out an idea inspired by the video games I'm currently playing. Below you'll find all the important things you might like to know. [Hider= Life and Lies of Valentine] I'll try to keep this brief, because I know it's all boring! I'm a twenty-four year old female, and I've been writing for twelve(ish) years. I'm comfortable writing male and female characters, and I prefer to double in most situations. FxM/F romances are fine, but I'm not interested in smut. Any other rated R content is fine, though. Three or more paragraphs is what I generally try and give my partner. Quality > quantity, truthfully. I try my best to make sure my posts are grammar free, but it happens sometimes. I write on an iPad...which means autocorrect wins sometimes. World building, character development, plot twists, world building, and dark/gritty themes are some of my favorite things. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. [/hider] [Hider= Very Basic Version] There is a lot of information, so I'll break up all the information into their own hider. Our story will take place during the Fourth Age. None of what I have written is very eloquent if I'm being honest. The ideas I present are basic, but hopefully it's enough to interest you! [hider= A (VERY) Brief History] There will be five Great Ages. +The Age of the Old Gods +The Age of Dragons +The Age of Giants +The Age of the Rise of Man +The Age of Darkness The Old Gods created the world, and everything that inhabited it, as we know it. The greatest of these creations were the Dragons, and they were meant to watch over Giants and Humans(blanket term) alike. One day, though, they rebelled and ushered in the AoD. It's worth noting they did not kill the Old Gods(cause they couldn't) and only imprisoned them. After hundreds of years in power, the Dragons grew fat and lazy; the fires in their bellies seemingly burning no more. Because of this, the Giants found it easy to slaughter them and claim the power for themselves. Not all Dragons died, though. It is believed that the Rise of Man comes before the Age of Darkness(this world's version of the book of Revelations). Because of this, those ruling in the time of AoG do whatever they can to keep down the human race. [/hider] Any questions so far? The next few sections should be short. Maybe. [hider= Storyline Thoughts] Okay, so, my idea is that our character(s) will be Humans living during the AoG. Their goal is to help bring about the RoM, but of course this will not be easy. This will be a journey of epic proportions...or at least I hope. If you're interested in joining me, I'll tell you more about my thoughts when you PM me.[/hider] [hider= Old Gods/Dragons/Giants/Humans] The following is only very basic info. The only ones who knew what the Old Gods look like were the Dragons. Most old texts that describe them have been lost to time and age. Dragons appeared to be, well...large, scaled, winged creatures. Though, I guess it wouldn't be accurate to say they ALL had wings. Also, not all of them breathed fire. A very, very small few had the ability to change their form. Giants range anywhere from eight to twenty-five feet tall. They look very similar to kin(this world's version of regular humans). Their intelligence would be considered average, at least for the most part. Nasty temper, some prone to madness. As I said before Human is a blanket term. If you are an elf, dwarf, kin, or something like that, you are considered to be a Human by Dragons or Giants. It's more or less an insult. [/hider] Almost done! [Hider= Setting] Before I started, I just wanted to get it out in the open that I have absolutely no names picked for locations. Those are things I like to pick with partners. Anyway. The story takes place various different locations. A lot of wilderness. A lot of villages. Some kingdoms. Ya know, the usual for a fantasy epic. I will say that all places they visit are very, very far away from the seas/oceans. Our characters live within one of the main kingdoms under Mad King Yhorm. Very much a Norse feel, and it's tucked away in the mountains.[/hider] [/hider] [Hider= The Long Version] If you wanted the nice looking, more detailed version I guess, of everything above...I put it in a PowerPoint. Leave me alone, I have the munchies. [Url]https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13xZIYHnqa16vXgFHjLWo3p4GFEP6lCbW-7ly3knAgzs/edit?usp=drivesdk[/url] [/hider] So. I guess that's all I have for you! Please feel free to shoot me a message if you would like to know more.