[center][h3]Tora & Poppi[/h3] Level 6 Tora (45/60) and Level 5 Poppi (41/50) [b]Location:[/b] No-man's Land, the Land of Adventure [b]Word Count:[/b] 1477[/center] As the Subspace Army collectively surged forward, attacking from all angles, Bowser manifested a counterattack by deploying his whole forces, and his fellow koopa followed suit. In a flash a wave of fodder appeared to meet the marauding creatures head on, and the two sided clashed violently. With nothing but their weight and their spirit behind their charges, the Goombas got it worst, going down after a couple punches or kicks even from the lowliest Primids and taking it in the shorts from everything else. Bytans rebounded off their heads and koopa shells like dodgeballs, with an accompanying noise, while Feyesh and Armights moved ahead unchallenged. The heroes engaged the enemy the next moment, but so too did the Borboras, releasing troublesome streams of air from the backlines to keep the heroes off-balance. The others leaped into action, but the Nopon and his blade could only focus on what lay ahead. With his low height and center of gravity, Tora had little to fear from the Borboras, but he was in the thick of it. He beat down an unarmed primid before grabbing a Bytan that hurled itself his way. He held it up for Poppi, who leaped forward to exewcute a rocket-fueled flash kick that sent the thing hurtling toward the canyon. At that point three Primids attacked at the same time, one with its fists, one with a [url=https://i.imgur.com/A7cVwasl.jpg]bat[/url], and the last with an [url=https://tr.rbxcdn.com/7d3b0bd2d94388c9d9854f826ffc0994/420/420/Gear/Png]axe[/url]. Whenever he went to strike one with the Mech Arms, it would move backward and let the other two come at him. The axe in particular hurt, drawing blood when its wielder drove its edge into Tora's body. After taking a second chop Tora threw wide the Mech Arms' missile silos in frustration, bombarding the whole area with a rain of fire. While it blew away the Primids, a Ticken trundled fearlessly over the scorched earth, towering over Tora with an even more ponderous body shape. It reached a certain distance, stopped, and then threw itself bodily at the Nopon. “Meh!?” Straining, Tora managed to block it without getting smacked by the backs of his own weapons or falling over, but the creature's weight still made him slide backward. He pushed it off and started punching, only for it to shrug off the blows. They left small webs of cracks in its surface, but nothing that would stop it rearing back to deliver a headbutt. Poppi circled around to the right side, then boosted straight at the Ticken. [i]Krack![/i] A weighty superman punch to the head sent it off balance, tipped onto one side. All it took then was one kick at its upper body to knock it over. As it toppled Tora tensed to jump up and finish it off, but he spotted a Primid as it tackled Poppi, grappling her to the ground. Two more broke off from where one of Kamek's fireballs scattered their formation, but before they could join the party Poppi activated her boosters to slide along the ground. She cut a furrow across the battlefield, her outstretched arms tripping Primids like bowling pins. Tora nodded, assured she'd be fine and back with him in just a moment, then hopped up to bring both Mech Arms down on the Ticken's abdomen in an overhead slam. The armor gave way, shattering into a heap as a yellow bird, tweeting furiously, spiraled up into the air. Tora watched it go for a brief moment, surprised, before a Bytan clobbered him in the noggin. He turned and saw it come to a stop, then distort. After a brief moment another Bytan popped out of its eye, launching straight for him. Tora threw a strong punch that sent it off toward Brother Grimm, where Euden -standing with his back to one of the great tires with piles of flaming ash around him- was more than happy to carve it in half mid-flight. Another couple Primids ran Tora's way, but before they could slash a familiar explosion went off a couple meters away and knocked them down. Recognizing his handiwork, Tora looked up to see the flying machine he'd fixed up earlier, raining down Boom Biters on the battlefield. He nodded in appreciation, waving. Poppi appeared behind him and waved at the flying machine's occupants herself, but stopped to slam her heel on a Primid's head when it grabbed at her ankle. Up above, a school of Feyesh converged on the flying machine. Vivi's Thunder sent one reeling, though the creature's own affinity for lightning prevented it from being a one-hit K.O., and Cuphead took down another with a sustained barrage. The other two, however, emptied blasts of electricity into the primitive machine, racking up some damage on its systems, before the Black Mage bid them Stop long enough for Daxter -momentarily preoccupied by an aggressive Armight- to riddle them with holes. Thanks in no small part to the well-defended death machine setup by 6's cohort, the ranks of the enemy had started to thin. Heavy fire from Bastion, Daxter, Sectonia's magic, and the Dwarven Flying Machine cut down many a foe before they could reach the line of close-quarters fighters where Tora and Poppi, Geralt, Euden, Peach, Bowser, and Blazermate held strong in a rough semicircle around the monster truck. It wasn't long before the Koopa Troop's strikers timed out and faded away, increasing the burden on the heroes, but the medabot's macabre efforts kept a few mutated, bony undead around to fill the gaps. With Linkle targeting and picking off the Borboras that worked to keep the heroes from getting too comfortable, the skirmish had turned heavily in the heroes' favor. But it was not to last. [url=https://www.models-resource.com/resources/big_icons/9/9032.png]Something[/url] rose from the ground smack dab in the middle of the Courier's fortified position, lofting above his Strikers and Pokemon, and robot, minus the Donphan. Just over a second after it arrived, it unleashed a horrible scream that contorted the air itself. Waves of weaponized sound bombarded the encampment like a storm of blades, causing heavy damage. At the same time, reinforcements poured from the entrance to the canyon path. A squad of five [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/6/6f/Nagagog_2.png/revision/latest/top-crop/width/220/height/220?cb=20180310060627]Nagagog[/url] hustled out, all of them blue and not much larger than Tora, but sturdy and strong. From behind them exploded a flurry of [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/173aa70a-a17c-4a4f-86ef-9348caf8825a/dcg7exm-0fef5ee3-3591-409d-944d-0924d3eee61a.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzE3M2FhNzBhLWExN2MtNGE0Zi04NmVmLTkzNDhjYWY4ODI1YVwvZGNnN2V4bS0wZmVmNWVlMy0zNTkxLTQwOWQtOTQ0ZC0wOTI0ZDNlZWU2MWEucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.sMAMsZyO6QubKr7Pdi6gWBZHHuHfbrZo1ngZ7MJrvq4]Trowlons[/url], creatures that looked and moved like synthetic carpets. Seeing a chance to do some damage, Peach pulled out a grenade and hurled it at the bottleneck left open by the attack on 6's bunker. Tora fired off a few missiles at the same time. The Trowlons scattered as the explosives went off among the Nagagogs. Stone and dust flew in the blast, but from the smoke emerged larger, yellow-colored Nagagogs that split up. One each went for and Blazermate, Junior, and Euden, while two took on Bowser. The Trowlons snaked out and flew low to the ground. One came in fast toward Tora, but instead of rearing up to attack him, it slipped itself beneath his feet. “Meh, meh!” He almost fell forward, but managed to catch himself with his wings. The moment he regained his balance, however, he realized he was rising. The Trowlon was carrying him upward. “Meh?! Where flattypon taking Tora?!” Trying to keep steady, he watched as the ground receded below him, quickly realizing his predicament. “Oh!” Without a second thought he jumped off and plummeted toward the ground. Poppi, already in the sky, flew up to meet him, but the Nopon had already begun a fusillade of missiles toward the remaining enemies. The recoil slowed his descent enough for him to comfortable land on top of the Nagagog squaring up against Euden, which had gotten even bigger and turned red after taking some of his fiery slashes. Poppi poured ether into him as he beat on the creature's head, giving Euden the chance he needed to jump up and impale the Nagagog in its chest. A moment later, however, a Trowlon scooped Euden up and started to ascend. “Whoa!” he exclaimed, falling onto his rear. This time Poppi was ready, and she zipped forward to grab the tricky beast's head and hold it down. Euden stood, using his attacker as a platform, and neatly sliced the thing in half. He leaped from its dissolving halves and landed in the ashes of the dying Nagagog, using them as a cushion. The other Trowlons, however, went for Geralt, Peach, and Bowser, attempting to get beneath them while they were distracted fighting other enemies and lift them up so high that a fall would be fatal. Meanwhile, amid a squad of reinforcement Primids with red uniforms, something new rumbled out from the canyon path—a [url=https://www.models-resource.com/resources/big_icons/4/3407.png]Greap.[/url] It rolled forward, massive scythes carving the air, in search of a target. Meanwhile, the airborne heroes found themselves under fire by augmented clouds, [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ssb/images/3/3b/Spaak5.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20080415212825]Spaaks[/url], firing orbs and bolts of lightning from a distance.