[hider=Sid] [center][b]Character Name:[/b] Syberus I. Deveons [b]Nickname:[/b] Sid [b]Physical Description:[/b] Sid is roughly six foot five (6'5") with broad shoulders and long legs, somewhere around one-hundred and seventy pounds (170lbs). He is decently built from years of walking (and running) hiking trails through rough terrain and mountain climbing. His skin is a darker caramel color from his time spent outside; it is blatantly easy to see what spots are usually covered, the moment the fabric moves, he is actually fairly pale! His hair is a short, choppy mess of rather sleek black locks. He has a plethora of smaller scars all over from various accidents, but his right forearm has four bubbled claw-like scars that wrap around the entire limb. They are old though, seeing as the delicate pink has faded and has left a pearly pale white in its place. Stands out quite a bit against his darker tanned skin. [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Role:[/b] Scrapper [b]Psychic:[/b] No [b]Skills/Abilities of Note:[/b] [indent][list][*]Hiking/Climbing Experience [*]Innate sense for danger/being watched [*]Improvisation [*]Basic First Aid knowledge[/list][/indent] [b]Willpower:[/b] 6 [b]Fear:[/b] 0 [b]Background:[/b] Sid was born and raised on an Indian Reservation in Arizona by his grandparents. While he was never quite a believer, the both of them were deep set in their ways and passed on their worries of the unseen and the dangers they possessed. Due to his location, Sid grew with a deep love for the outdoors; his grandfather introduced him to mountain climbing and hiking, which he took to like a moth to the flame. This often lead to many, many trips off the reservation to better and longer hiking trails and better places to climb. On one such trip, the last one with his Grandfather, Sid learned first hand about the dangers both his grandparents had always warned him about. After all was said and done, Sid took quite the stance on the unknown and promised his grandmother repeatedly to not fall victim to such a horror again. [b]Previous Encounter/s:[/b] Yes [b]Encounter Summary:[/b] Shortly after turning 25, Sid went on a hiking trip with his grandfather deep within the reservation they lived on. It started out innocently enough and as normal as ever, but as the day started to slip by, something just didn't feel right. His grandfather didn't seem to notice, even as they finally got to the end of the trail and began to go down a different trail to return back to the truck. The fear began to grow the further along they went, until finally Sid asked his grandfather how far they were from the truck. The older man replied 'Only a little bit'. But 'a little bit' turned into hours and just as nightfall fell the fog quickly rolled in. From here, Sid really doesn't remember much, as the moment the fog wrapped around him, something hit him hard and he went down like a sack of incorrectly stacked bricks. He hit his head on some rocks and as only vaguely aware of what was going on. He saw flashes of sharp teeth, claws, something scrawny and hungry looking going after his grandfather. He recalls hearing his grandfather yelling for him to run, too. Unfortunately, he remembers nothing after that. What he does remember though, was waking up in a hospital a week later on deaths door, fighting off a terrible infection in his arm from something that had cut into him and severe dehydration from laying out in the Arizona heat for nearly two days. It was a miracle he did not die. It was all crossed off as a freak accident by the local news, stating him and his grandfather had been attacked by a rabid Puma. They never did find his grandfathers body, but then again, no one really looked that hard. They found one of them alive, that was enough. [b]Resources:[/b] Hiking backpack: Several clip-hooks, a small fire starter [i](flint & steel, no tinder)[/i], water canteen [i](empty)[/i], small first aid kit, Swiss army knife. He has two necklaces, five bracelets, and three rings that he wears from his grandmother, who swears up and down they are charms to ward off 'evil' and 'bad things'. It is unknown if they actually do anything or not. [b]Odds of Survival:[/b] 4 [/center] [/hider]