POTENTIAL 0 “Better watch out, Maria~!” Hardlight blasts the kiosk, fired at an angle. @SARAHPHIM has always had trouble with curving bullets, but she can shoot from a controlled position no problem, rattling Maria’s nerves as she jauntily keeps up a barrage. “I’ve got backup, you know! A whole [i]army[/i] of stuffed animals! The bunny rabbit should be more than a match for you, given how badly you got wrecked by a [i]teddy bear.[/i]” If there’s another thing Best Tiger is good at, it’s a dismissive sneer. “Man, I’m glad I don’t work for AEGIS any more. Those post-incident reviews were always a pain, you know? Blah, blah, collateral damage.” The barrage continues. It’s the hot whine that needs to keep up. She needs Maria’s nerves as frayed as possible. “I don’t even want to imagine trying to explain how I got taken down by [i]Mister Teddybottoms.[/i] Does that go under Room For Improvement or Media Apology, do you think? Because I can promise you that @BlackSunOfficial is being spammed with the teddy bear emoji right [i]now.[/i]” Did Sara join in with a well-timed retweet? Yes. “By the way,” she adds, crossing her fingers that she’s not going to have an awkward conversation with the kid later, “I really hope you, like, [i]actually pulverize the bear,[/i] because it’ll be absolutely [i]hilarious[/i] to have proof you’re finally punching at your weight class!” And then the piece de resistance: Maria’s headset chirps with DUMBASS.MOV. It’s from @SARAHPHIM’s stream feed, showing her flailing one-armed at a stuffed bear. Sara grins, puts her hands behind her head, and counts down from three. [[b]10[/b] on Provoke into making a stupid berserker charge, with a side of “doesn’t lash out against the teddy bear because that would prove Sara right”]