It took about half an hour, but, finally, J.Grey responded. They had clearly seen her Beacon employee account, because the message was very accusing. It was a private message, hidden from the public eye, perhaps as to keep further interest from being stirred. [i]"You want a picture of this man? I'll give you one."[/i] Followed was a black and white sketch, clearly photocopied from a book, that depicted what looked like a scene from the Salem Witch Trials. It showed a mob gathered around a tall tree, a dead man hanging by his neck from a noose from it. He was dressed in a black wool coat that matched the style of those around him. He had dark hair and a willowy form. Most notably, he had a deformed nose and no mouth. [i]"Or maybe you like this one better."[/i] This one was a picture of a painting that was in the style of art pieces from around 1300. It depicted a man tied to a stake in the middle of a fire, flames engulfing him. A crowd was gathered around, some of the patrons looking a bit frightened. The man depicted was wearing a black garb, had dark hair, and a thin build. Most notably, he had a deformed nose and no mouth. [i]"One more, and I better get $25 for each."[/i] The last one was clearly a mosaic on a wall, the style near ancient, probably around 1100. It showed a scene of a man being stoned. An angry mob pelted the man with large rocks, despite him clearly being deceased. The man, sprawled on the ground, was wearing a black robe. He had dark hair and a lithe form. Most notably, he had a deformed nose and no mouth.