The next message was only three different links. The first link referenced a small blurb in a book about the Salem Witch trials. The second link led to an art appreciation website. The painting was done by a little known artist from a rural part of China, dated 1321. No other information was provided. The last link was to a website about a historic church in Italy. The tile was just barley visible in one of the photos of the many artworks found there. It was estimated to have been made as early as 1190. These events took place several centuries apart, thousands of miles away from each other, and were most certainly fatal. Surely it couldn't be the same man. Could it? J.Grey was now offline, and he didn't seem interested in sharing any further insight. Another link gone cold? An hour passed, and the sun had long since set. Suddenly, another e-mail pinged her inbox. It was from what looked like throw-away account, and only had one line of text. [i]"342 Elm Street. 9 Pm. Meet me by the tomb." [/i] She had one hour to decide what to do.