[@Sea Man] I have a wizard, though he's not medieval, as well as a few powered medieval characters that may fit the bill. A fast talking wizard auctioneer who casts spells with humiliating effects. Individually they're weak but they add up fast and can become dangerous. https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/169464-kentucky-tom/ooc#post-4561373 An apocalyptic goblin of Yuletide folklore who went postal. He has immense physical power and swings around a sledge-axe the size of a mailbox. https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/181203-bloodbath/ooc#post-5079206 A barbarian warrior and martial arts master. He wields great power and skill with compassion and honor but becomes a killing machine if he goes berserk. https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/174640-gonad/ooc#post-4767583