"Well, I haven't known him [i]that[/i] long." Lars continued. "But I know he's been around for a while. Isaac doesn't talk a lot on the subject, but I know Lucas...isn't exactly human." He stopped outside of a room that could only be described as dungeon. Here they were, alone, deep beneath the ground, in the middle of the night. This was certainly starting to look like a scene from [i]48 Hours[/i]. Lars turned to her, his face serious once more. "Before we go in here, you have to promise me you won't intervene with what you see. Don't say anything, don't [i]do[/i] anything. If you have a camera on you, a phone or anything, record this and focus on keeping it in the frame." He paused. "Just don't let Lucas see it. He's kinda' weird about cameras." With that, Lars opened the door. The room was large and empty. In the middle of it, chained shut and heavily bolted to the floor, was what looked like a chest. At the sounds of the door creaking open, an unearthly roar came from within the confines of it, and the chains shook. Lars motioned to a spot in the corner for Evie to stand, far from the chest. He held a finger up to his lips to signal her to be silent. Any minute now, they would be joined by the infamous Lucas.