Latia mentally slapped herself more than once as her heel-clad feet moved quickly down the sidewalk, everything outside of her train of thought being a complete blur. In her hand, a can of carbonated orange-drink swished around, cooling her hand and putting her somewhat at ease. Carbonation was pretty much a full-time addiction for her, though not one she was particularly proud of. However, staying up at all hours of the night and waking up before sunrise for various musical events - that, astonishingly enough, [i]all[/i] seemed to be 'the most important performance of her career' - had required far more energy than Latia could ever achieve by herself. So, her answer had been drinking various energy drinks at all hours. She hated the taste of coffee, no matter how tantalizing the smell, and anything else had never really done the trick. A large gust of wind ripped Latia out of her anxious and paranoid thoughts, and brought her attention back to the large, imperial building that was rising toward her. Though many of the enormous performance halls she had been to matched - and even topped - the grandiose pillars before her, Latia had never imagined herself in such a place. The letter had utterly astounded her, almost to the point of denying it's existence. However, the few days leading up to her acceptance were threaded with various reminders of her childhood stories of a horrible world. She wouldn't let those memories override her sense of the world around her. And so, as Latia found herself striding into the official, cool air of the huge facility, she found her nerves settling. All would be well, as far as she was concerned. Briefly, the auburn haired woman stopped in an off-hand corner to bring up her mini-map of the building. Lifting the arm that wasn't holding her drink - which was starting to feel frightening light in her hand - Latia felt the natural yet tingly sensation that came with shifting the molecules of her forearm into paper and ink. She had drawn the miniscule map earlier that morning, and had managed to memorize it, much like her music, and bring it up with the paper that was her forearm's skin. A gentle crinkling noise could be heard from her absently dancing fingers. A couple seconds of staring and contemplating pushed Latia towards the designated meeting room, which was, oddly enough, in the basement area of the enormous facility. The musician had figured that it would be in a more official place, being one of the most important developments of The Island's existence. Sighing, Latia brought her drink to her lips once more and pushed against the little door that led to the room. Inside was some of the most normal looking people she had ever seen - aside from the rather androgynous teen in girl's clothing and the woman with wings, who seemed to practically vibrating with energy. "This [i]is[/i] where the excursion team is meeting, yes?" Latia said steadily, an eyebrow slightly raised.