They waited in the dimly lit room for what felt like an eternity. Whatever was in the chest would shake and growl every now and then. Finally, the heavy door creaked open again. The man that walked in was...underwhelming. His frame was small, and he was buried under the old, black wool coat he wore. His face was tucked into a scarf, hiding the lower portion. He walked into the room slowly, cautiously. His eyes immediately found Evie. They were every bit as dark and wild as the photo. He froze, seeming to contemplate running. "It's fine," Lars said, seeing their guest freeze. "She's fine. Let's just get on with it." Lucas's head whipped around to glare at the priest. He nodded and moved towards the chest. Lars approached the chest too, his keys jingling once more. He began unlocking the numerous, heavy locks. When the last one finally fell, the lid flew open. Long, spidery tendrils shot out. Lars barely managed to avoid getting snatched by one. He backed away until his back hit the cold, stone wall. Lucas, on the other hand, held his ground. The screeching roar emitted from the chest was not from this world, and neither was the monster seemingly trying to climb out of it. The many arms and tentacles searched for something to grab as a roundish body pulled itself up towards the room. That chest was apparently a lot bigger on the inside than it appeared. Lucas took a few steps towards the beast, and it actually withdrew from him. The man began to emit light from seemingly nowhere, and the tentacles within the vicinity of him caught fire. When Lucas reached the chest, he shot his hands out and touched the monster. It wailed a horrible cry of pain as it's body caught fire and burned to ash. Soon, the entire thing was gone, and the room was eerily silent.