Euna feels so stupid right now. Here she is, fist raised above her head and legs dropped low into a defensive stance, ready for a fight! With the [i]most[/i] startled, frightened deer expression that has ever graced her awkward face. She tries to stand back up and stop presenting a threat when a burning lance of animalistic survival instinct goes shooting through her spine and makes her hunch down even tighter. She winds up half stepping forward and half stepping backward at the same time, scrambling like she's suddenly forgotten how her limbs work. She half turns her head to give Sasha a 'help me' look but ack! No no no, don't look away! She snaps right back to attention, heart pounding in her chest. This is how she dies, isn't it? After everything else, it's this. She forces herself to take a cautious step forward. And then another one. She's acting like she's approaching a wounded predator, which in all honesty, she is. Ok, ok, ok. Come on, just one more step. Fuck's sake, cyberlimbs don't tremble like this, how does she [i]do[/i] that? Finally, she manages to kneel down. Her breathing's so shallow and panicked that it's starting to blur her vision. And in the end she has to flip to skillwires to get her hand to get close enough to work the ball gag out. She comes closer to failing than she should, given how wildly the Shogun is thrashing about. "No--" WOAH WOAH WOAH NO NO DANGER ABORT EUNA KIM ABORT, "D'yuuuuhhhhhh, um, Y-Your Excellency? Are, are you ok?" She helps the Shogun into a sitting position and stares very fixedly at that glorious shoulder. Her hand hovers over the rest of the ropes, hesitating before she risks [s]unleashing[/s] freeing her personal hero.