[center][h1][b][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200305/d18889c603c139c801dd28bf4001b261.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] >>Fashionably Late. Transitioning from The Silver Piglet to the Guild Hall [@ShiningSector] [@Ypnosi] << [color=FAEBD7]"Thank you for allowing a mere traveler to join your grand adventure."[/color] Avala said. As he moved, one would see that he moved with grace and power, if they cared to look. He was full of contradictions, upon closer examination. A large man that spoke with the gentleness of a monk, moved with the grace of a royal dancer, and smiled like the most welcoming of innkeepers. As he walked with the group, his prayer beads jangled. As he waited outside with his group, he said [color=FAEBD7]"I wonder who this Grimar character is. We have a physical description of the person, but we do not truly know who they may be. Call me a pessimist, but I hope he would not be so bold as to attack us at the guild hall, to act as a test of our abilities. After all, this journey comes by the commission of a royal figure, former or not." [/color] His walking stick thudded softly against the ground as he walked, sounding off in unison with the soft jangling of his prayer beads.