Kijani was also worried about Obi Wan. Sure, he seemed capable, but running around alone surrounded by enemies seemed like a bad idea. But there was nothing to be done - by the time she was ready to object, Obi Wan was off and running. He was fast for an old fellow. When Adam took charge, Kijani was a little more than surprised. But it was good. She didn't like being in charge all of the time, despite her whole life being mostly about that. It was good to relax the reins. "Let's go, then." They made their way out of the Millennium Falcon, and into the eerie halls of the space station. Everything seemed massive and cold, utterly industrial. Would it kill them to have some decoration? Still, she kept her mouth shut. She may have looked the part now, but her usual speaking voice would be a dead giveaway that the person in the suit wasn't supposed to be there. So, for now, she simply followed Adam's lead. Maybe there would be some sign to point them toward the control panel.