I get you're trying to troll me my dude but here's the thing. Leon is being replaced by a new character, and Mordred wasn't going to be my pick. If she appears that would be by someone else's choice. Also last time it was Proto Arthur (brynhildr in the grail war) who worked with Leon if memory serves correct the last time I ran this roleplay. I think I'm planning to use specifically a custom rider the crusader king Godfrey of Bouillon in specific. Leon's tendency to be in a planned relationship sort of deal wasn't so much an otp thing, or some sort of crack ship just a hormonal teenager meeting a girl he liked sort of deal. I'm not sure what I did to you, and your buddies who seem to really not like me but I apologize even if I wasn't at fault. please keep questions, or comments to actual interest or I'll ask mods to remove them.