[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200404/220238cbd578d539073ad9bf70e74662.png[/img][/center] [hr] Sunrise in Vida, California was accompanied by a chorus of calls outside of the city walls from miles around. The telltale trumpeting bellows of hadrosaurs, the barking, chirping, and shrieking of smaller predators, and the occasional deep, throaty bellow of a large carnivore were the norm as people woke, and headed to their various jobs. The air was warm and slightly humid, tinged with the scent of brine. Summer was just around the corner. After a difficult winter, it was very welcome. In the town's [url=https://live.staticflickr.com/6061/6142068568_7e57bb17b7_b.jpg]library[/url], a hammock was hung between a pair of pillars on the top floor. On the ground nearby were stacks of books and various other things, like a pile of clothes, a hand-carved wooden staff, and a bundle of cloth close to the hammock. The fluttering of feathery wings broke the relative silence, and a small dinosaur landed on top of the hammock's occupant. The size and color of a raven, it pecked and kicked at the blanket where it knew someone's head was. "It's too early," a voice grumbled from beneath the blanket. As if irritated, the dinosaur mimicked the sound of a slightly larger dinosaur. "Shut it." The girl wasn't a morning person, and the little dinosaur knew it. Finally, the ball of feathers sucked in a deep breath before letting out a loud, cacophonous [url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=11D7Qo3ymf-dN140g__UtYYIG8_3kr6aB]roar[/url]. Right next to her ear. "GWAAH!" Startled, Kyouko flipped out of her hammock, instinctively going for something to protect herself before scowling at the dinosaur. "Why did I ever watch those movies with you around, Niji?" she asked. The dinosaur preened his feathers, as if responding with, "Sorry, I can't hear you~!" Kyouko sighed. She was up now. And the adrenaline in her system meant she wouldn't fall back asleep. The girl grabbed the small pouch of gold coins from her bag. "I'm sure the diner'll be open soon. Hope Sarah's been doing well." Niji hopped onto her shoulder. "After how you woke me up, I'm not letting you have any of my food."