(I hope you don't mind if I join Patient: Name: violet evergreen Age:17 Gender:fem Species:human Appearance: deep blue eyes, messy straight black hair, paper pale skin, slight redish orange eye bags, and a thin yet partly thick body Reasons for being in here: She completely went wild after her crush left her, she stalked him and found were he moved to and killed some people for information along the way. And seduced him but didn't take her seriously and used her and then she killed him after killing his new lover.(multiple personality, bi-polar, and has severe anxiety and depression) Apparently she felt bad for killing the girl who was just another in her loves trap, she can see her in her dreams happy at first then she lashes out and keeps her awake some nights Level of security: Mild security mainly to prevent her from harming herself, due to the fact no one messes with her and she's detached from the crowd Likes: cake or sweet things, the cold, dark, and music I'm deeply sorry if this is too long -v-"