If so here's my application. [Center][Hider=The Disgraced Coordinator] [h2]” Such a lovely Pokémon, would you mind if I drew them?” [/h2] [hr] [color=662d91][b]Name[/b][/color] Sonja Vaughn [color=662d91][b]Age[/b][/color] 17 [color=662d91][b]Appearance[/b][/color] A petite young lady with mocha skin and raven hair streaked with pink and purple. Sonja enjoys the gothic Lolita look with a punk rock flare; one could say she likes to be loud with her appearance. She stands 5’6” and has dark blue eyes. [color=662d91][b]Personality[/b][/color] Sonja is a person of many interests and hobbies. She is a calm, reserved young lady fond of introspection and letting her thoughts run wild. She adores books and loves writing her own shirt stories as they pop up in her head. Sonja enjoys writing down the errant thoughts that pass through her head, and can often be found scribbling away in her journal. She’s also fan of art, she will sometimes draw, and doodle alongside her writing, and even considers making her own graphic novel one day. Outside of her artistic whims, Sonja is a calculating young woman with a mind ffor battle. She has a split personality it would seem. When she’s on the clock, Sonja is focused, intense even, one would say cold even. When on her own time, Sonja is off in her own world. All around she is quiet and meticulous, content to be on her own, or in the company of her Pokémon. Pokémon battles are her passion above all else, even above her writings and drawings. Where it comes to her Pokémon, she handles their training as a contest coordinator would: strict, healthy diet, rigorous exercise, practice in elegance, showmanship, and technique. She’s trained her Salandit, Missy, this way not for the contest scene (though she and Missy have dominated their fair share of contests) Sonja sees this sort of training as essential for creative problem solving, enhancing her Pokémon’s skill and agility, but has a soft spot for seeing her Pokémon succeed and look amazing doing so. Make something dazzle and the other Pokémon or trainer will focus on that the way she sees it. Because of her time in contests she discovered a competitive side she never thought she had before. That said she has a devious sort of mind and is not above sabotaging her fellow trainers. A fatal flaw of hers is her cold, cruel temper. When she’s angered she wants to see someone hurt, but she’s reigned in her need to lash out but will still cut deeply with a razor wit. Years of training as a coordinator and a natural keen eye, Sonja is exceptionally observant. [color=662d91][b]History[/b][/color] Sonja grew up the daughter of a fashion mogul and photographer in the Alola region. Her parents weren’t so savvy where Pokémon were, and frankly they never quite liked the sport of Pokémon training, finding it barbaric. Sonja however adored sitting in front of the TV watching legendary trainers duke it out. Pokémon fighting brutal duels, the clear victor coming out on top of the beaten loser. She felt exhilaration watching the various Pokémon league championships, and often acted her own titanic battles against grueling foes with her collection of stuffed Pokémon. Given her parents’ opinions- vocal as they were- she kept this love for battling to herself and played the part of the obedient daughter. Despite her guilty pleasure she did find a love for the fashion industry, and even enjoyed the many artist galleries her parents’ attended as a side hobby. It was at one of these galleries she met Deidra Moran, a popular contest coordinator and customer of her father’s. What caught Sonja’s interest was Deidra’s past as a competitive battler and found a chance to speak to Deidra alone and started rattling off questions about battling. Amused by Sonja’s sudden rattling off of questions and keen observations, Deidra saw the passion in Sonja and decided to take her under her wing. Her parents tolerated the idea of contests and acquiesced to Sonja’s pleas to learn the ins and outs of Pokémon contests. Though holding a passing interest in contests, Sonja’s devious mind meant to draw battling information from her new mentor. As Sonja’s training to be a good coordinator, a good trainer began, Sonja was gifted Pokémon egg. Deidra’s reasoning was that if she could care for the egg to its hatching, then she’d be in the perfect mindset to train and care for her own Pokémon. As the months passed by, Sonja cared for the egg and was taught the proper techniques to be a successful coordinator. When the egg hatched and out popped a female Salandit. Even out of the egg she acted prissy and high and mighty, thus her nickname was born, Missy. What followed was a fruitful career as a coordinator as Deidra’s sponsored protégé. They traveled to cities and towns, performing with the best of them. Sonja’s real dream began as she delved into the realm of back ally brawls. She participated in fights and tourneys outside the regulated sort in mainstream battling, the only kind she could do in secret, the kind not regulated and often dangerous for Pokémon. Sonja’s mind for battling and Missy’s cruel nature blossomed as they tore through these brutal- and illegal- battles with a vigor, a hunger. She built up a reputation, hiding her identity with her skill at makeup and fashion (and a well-worn hoodie), for being a dangerous customer. Years passed, they climbed the ranks as coordinator and Pokémon, and in back alleys kept on winning with more brutal, sometimes fatal techniques and strategy’s. Sadly, her lives would clash as those of Sonja’s sort tend to and when during a contest, another coordinator Jean Sanders pulled an underhanded trick that nearly saw Missy hurt very badly, her temper flared. In the span of fifteen long seconds, the audience and everyone watching the televised event watched as Sonja order Missy to brutally beat into the stage, Jean’s Growlithe. When the dust settled and Sonja’s alter ego bared its fangs she was faced with disqualification. Jean’s Growlithe nearly died and it was only her parents’ substantial connections that saved Sonja from being charged. Sonja was disqualified, stripped of her license as a coordinator, and nearly had Missy taken from her. The fact that Missy was adamant not to leave Sonja’s side went badly for the officer. Her parents couldn’t look at her the same. After months of silence, and the judgement, Sonja decided it was time to leave the Alola Islands, strike out on her own. Her parents gave her enough money to get her started but no tearful parting occurred, and Sonja’s parents essentially told her to never return. Sonja, saddened but determined to strike out on her own, left the Alola region, go where she isn’t looked at like a criminal. [color=662d91][b]Reason for arriving in the Orre Region[/b][/color] The Orre Region is a lesser known region, outside the jurisdiction of the prime Pokémon Leagues (in which Sonja’s been blacklisted), here Sonja means to make a fresh start. [color=662d91][b]Other[/b][/color] Despite how things ended, and her still brutal battle nature, she regrets what she did to Jean’s Pokémon, it still haunts her. Developed a talent for cooking to make up for Missy’s lack of prime dishes made by the finest chefs. [/Hider] [Hider=A Prissy Miss][img] https://images.app.goo.gl/ZVECjdcme5xPzAnK6 [/img] [color=662d91][b]Nickname[/b][/color] Missy [color=662d91][b]Personality[/b][/color] Missy was pampered by Sonja from hatching, trained with perfection and grace in mind, and was a champion Pokémon, as such she’s a fussy, demanding little tyrant. She’s used to the best meals prepared by chefs, fine beds, and being fussed over by makeup artists and masseuses. Though life on the road isn’t to her liking, the constant battles are. Missy misses the times they had in the contests, but like her trainer loves to battle, but hates getting dirty. She will often act high and mighty, acting like she’s on stage at all times. Missy loves to pose when she’s being watched, but when it’s just her and Sonja, she’s a cuddle-bug. [color=662d91][b]History[/b][/color] Missy was hatched by Sonja, in essence Sonja is all Missy’s known. As said above, Missy was trained to be a champion contest winner, but alongside Sonja built up a love and skill for battles. [color=662d91][b]Notes[/b][/color] Missy has an extensive collection of scarves and accessories Sonja keeps for them in her luggage. Everyday Missy picks something to wear, and has a bit of a fashion sense in her. [/Hider][/Center]