Okay, so forgive the double post here but I wanted to talk a bit on how duels and such are going to work because we have a few different options available. First, we can use a website called dueling book which allows us to create custom cards a bit easier but a lot of things are manual. Or we could use YGOPro which automates everything but is harder for custom card stuff if we ever need it. the idea is to play the game using one of those and using a google doc or whichever format you prefer for that. writing out the duel that way and having just one player post it. Second, we could just chat everything out in pm and never need the decklist outside of showing what cards are available to us. Then as like before one player will post the entire duel and we would all go from there. The second thing I'd like to start discussing is Post order and when we're going to be starting. I've already started to plot out and write the OP and the idea is to forgo the entrance exam duels and just start off at what are the opening ceremonies. Once we have all made our first post that is when post order becomes a question mark for me. With this kind of game, I feel like post orders make things a bit sluggish. So I would prefer not to have one at all. Just be respectful ad give others time to post as well, you never know how something they post will affect what happens in your next post.