[h1][b][i][color=MediumSpringGreen][center]James Kingston[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/a951ce5c42e723327265741536b013a0/tenor.gif?itemid=7976965[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=MediumSpringGreen][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Mutant Underground, Room 5 - James and Moonwalker’s Room [color=MediumSpringGreen][b]Skills[/b][/color]: N/A[/center] [hr][hr] Brutally jarring. One second James was wrapping his head around [i]Ben[/i] and keeping Jack from bleeding out and the next he was staring at a wrench in his hand, sitting on his bed, and preparing to finish the daily maintenance. The clang of the wrench hitting the floor barely registered. His stomach rolled and he clapped his hand over his mouth, trying to focus on breathing and not losing whatever was in his stomach to the memories battering inside his head. His stomach portested loudly but he stood up. His legs wobbled and he stumbled a little making his way out of the bedroom. He made it as far as the stairs. He sat on the top step ungracefully. He stared across the entryway as he tried to make sense of the two different people in his head. James didn’t have the time in… the other world to process with the battle at the execution immediately moving into fetching allies moving directly onto the final confrontation. There was never a time to figure out what was happening. But now things were far calmer than where he came from and it left him no places to escape his introspection. [i]That[/i] James Kingston had owned his own repair shop. [i]That[/i] James Kingston still had his family. [i]That[/i] James Kingston owned his own repair shop. [i]That[/i] James Kingston actually achieved everything he wanted. But at what cost? [i]That[/i] James Kingston didn’t know when to stop. [i]That[/i] James Kingston lost what made James himself. [i]That[/i] James Kingston didn’t mind, no [i]encouraged[/i], plans that brought civilian casualties into the equation. He wanted to turn Sydney, Australia into the Hulk’s playing ground just to make it easier for them to catch the man. Not in a few days, not in a few weeks. It had been a long play and one that would have cost millions of people their lives. And that James enjoyed it. Or at least, what little concept of joy he had left. James didn’t need to cycle through the memories to know what happened in interrogations. How delightfully easy it was to toy with anyone he had the opportunity to sit in a room with, fancy stainless steel utensils stained red and an ego torn to shred with a few hours of carefully calculated comments. In a fantasy world, James was alone because he liked it. In a fantasy world, James tortured because he lost any concept of empathy. In a fantasy world, James killed because it was convenient. In a perfect fantasy, James was a monster. James didn’t know how to handle that so he pulled himself up and stumbled to the only place he could think of right now. He banged on the door to Casper’s room. [color=mediumspringgreen] “Casper. Please.”[/color] James’ wasn’t quite sure who was speaking but their voice was trembling and weak. They sounded so far away. James absently wondered if this was how Casper heard ghosts speak. James noticed a few water stains appear on the floor. He frowned. He’d add a leak to the list of things. That was probably a priority though. He’d ask Luna if they had the stuff to fix it. He couldn’t seem to get a grip on what materials they still had but she probably knew.