Tony yawned as he led the group to a local gas station [color=orange] " all right guys the bus to D.C should be here shortly I'll be right back"[/color] he says before walking into the gas station. He then comes out carrying a code red mountain dew and and a big back of BBQ chips. [color=orange] " hey the bus is here"[/color] he said happily and boarded it paying for all their tickets . Damien made a retching noise as the sun hit him and he quickly ran onto the bus. [color=silver] " oh fuck"[/color] he said and plopped into a seat with the least amount of sunlight . [color=silver] " why mom why[/color] he groaned and made a huffing sound. Theo took a drag and saw the kids going on a bus. [color=red] ' hmm interesting '[/color] he thought. I mean he had never seen that many teenagers I mean were they on a field trip. Well not really worrying about it be snuck onto the bus and sat next to one of the kids and took a drag.