Lily followed the others to the gas station and while waiting for the bus looked around the place having never been actually out of the tour bus, Limo, or car at any of those she paused at while with her dad. The place was filled with the smell of all sorts of fluids she associated with her dad's garage where Kyle and her dad tinkered with his motorcycle collection and then there were the other kids who while being the children of a god or goddess were so different than the girls at her school; there were boys. She wandered into the station itself and had to stifle a giggle as she saw all sorts of junkfood which Lancaster Academy didn't allow then there were the cigarettes which came in a broad variety. She saw Tony grab a drink and wondered what the fuss was about. She picked up a Dew the original knowing the brand because her dad did a commercial for them but she had never tasted so she grabbed one of every type and carried them to the checkout. There was Diet, Code Red, Baja Blast, Voltage, White out, and Real Sugar the later worrisome and made her wonder what the others except for diet used. As the clerk tallied up her drinks she saw the candy and different flavor of jerky and once bought one of each and paid for before stuffing the haul in her pack. She did keep the code red out because with the fuss made over it she was curious so drank it as she stepped outside just in time to catch the bus.