Meesei's speech would have done the trick for exciting the immediate forces, but to most her words were completely forgotten before the mighty presence of a Daedric Prince in his own domain. Fendros, somehow having convinced himself that he would never see Hircine in the flesh while he lived, let alone on this battlefield, froze up as if staring down a predator. It was easy for his mind to work out why. He saw Ahnasha's reaction and knelt. His mind was blank on any other course of action. Janius was exhilarated, but his beast spirit held the most sway, and it compelled him to kneel. Finally, Sabine, clutching the Staff of Magnus in both hands, felt for the first time that such an implement would do her no good in the face of such power. She knelt with shivering knees, suddenly less sure that Clavicus Vile could be held back by her capabilities with the staff. The reactions from the Legionnaires and Dominion troops was more or less unified. They were on edge since the lycan spirits around them had appeared to join them. They remained standing fast beside one another with hearts racing and breath quickened. They were elite soldiers, made to stand against fear. In comparison to this, however, the other side of the portal did not seem so terrifying anymore. Teroiah and Gro-Tagnud stood staring with Ri'vashi, in competition to keep their emotions held together. "Akatosh slay me," Gro-Tagnud betrayed in a monotone. "Look sharp, Legate General," Teroiah shakily responded. "This one is on our side. For today."