[hr][hr][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385594716634349588/671606651916124170/884049d57384709b3f87a3df2da1d176.png[/img][hr][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Morose][@Skai][/center][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=A4FFFC]Demetria Clarke[/color] and [color=303DFF]Andrew Rossi[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/bb7d6fd8fd6a159a442a8d94ff49ddb315505ec3/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f585778445579554b31542d3569773d3d2d3639333339393438332e313538316533386633323636363830623138353831323436313331362e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/5FjHtJn/Webp-net-resizeimage-21.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=A4FFFC][b]Location:[/b][/color] Unknown [color=303DFF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr] [color=7E8B0A]"You don't get a hold of Spiral, she gets in contact with you,"[/color] Longshot responded instantly to Arthur as he ducked into the alleyway. The instant the group was out of the main road and in the alley, a spotlight shone above them, right where they had been moments before. [color=7E8B0A]"Yeah, I'll help you all out, just we've got to get completely off the streets, we can only stay in the alley for so long before they catch up. I might have managed a few escapes of my own over the years, just kept getting caught since getting off the planet is the hard part, not necessarily getting out of Mojo's messed up TV shows."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Oh, great, so we can't see about talking with Spiral until [i]she[/i] decides to show up. Not to mention you just said that the hardest part about escaping from here is the thing ahead of us, called [i]actually[/i] getting off of this planet. So any idea how the hell we're supposed to do that?"[/color] [color=7E8B0A]"Actually you aren't just on another planet, the Mojoverse resides in it's own dimension, but there are wormholes that lead back to the main universe that you're from. Trust me, I've had a lot of run ins with people like yourselves, heroes dragged here by Mojo, but they were able to get back to Earth. I've even gotten off this planet more then once and found my way to Earth."[/color] [color=303DFF]"Wait... You're telling me you've gotten out of this place and to Earth? So why are you here? I mean, no offense, but shouldn't you be [i]on[/i] Earth as opposed to here if you think about it..."[/color] [color=7E8B0A]"Because there are a lot of people like me stuck here as slaves to Mojo and his goons. I could never stay on Earth with the knowledge of what everyone else here has to deal with on a daily basis..."[/color] [color=A4FFFC]"Okay, going to be blunt, this guy is kind of weird,"[/color] Sapphire muttered under her breath as she looked over at Longshot. This guy was definitely a strange one, and she still wasn't even sure if they could trust him or believe a thing that he said, since he had tried to kill them as Elara had pointed out. Though they were stuck some place that none of them knew how to navigate, so they were kind of stuck with Longshot. [color=303DFF]"So... Any idea where we should go while we wait for Spiral to decide to actually show up?"[/color] Andrew asked, as there were suddenly the sound of footsteps coming nearby, as a group of about 10 soldier looking people (actually they looked almost like Storm Troopers ironically) came into view, and they instantly saw the group. Longshot instantly pulled out a blaster of sorts from his side and fired it off, slamming into a few of them. [color=7E8B0A]"We get out of here and hopefully somewhat stall for Spiral to eventually show up, or get out of here entirely and hope for the best,"[/color] he responded, firing off a few more shots at the Storm Trooper wannabes that seemed to knock them back. [color=303DFF]"...Well I wish I actually had something to shoot them back with..."[/color] Andrew muttered. There were about 25 soldiers in total, and Longshot managed to knock down 5 of them, leaving 20 left to deal with at the moment. Or of course running was always an option, and just hoping you can out run them.