Fanilly's mind raced as she tried to consider who could have been killed. If it was someone close to the assassin, would they have been a nem? She didn't recall ever [i]seeing[/i] a nem before. Was it someone from before her time? Or were they even a nem? Was it someone who had been slain by the crown instead? All of these questions ran through her mind rapidly as he gaze remained focused on the tiny pale girl. But it wasn't just that... the horrendous manner of silencing her couldn't have possibly been done by the same people who had trained her to perform assassinations, could it? Such a grievous, awful, cruel injury could far too easily have killed her.. and on top of that it was almost too terrible to look at. The mere thought of someone, even someone who had tried to assassinate royalty, enduring that... who would do such a thing? [i]'SISTER'[/i] Her sister. They had killed her sister? The nem was trembling as her hands clutched the paper and quill, she was quaking even though she didn't attempt to struggle. There were tears in her eyes... Had it been recent...? "... Who killed her? How did she die...?" Fanilly found herself asking. It was the only possible way they could discover some kind of lead, some way of understanding what was going on... There was a few moments of silence as the quill scraped paper once more. [i]'NOT DEAD YET'[/i] [i]'DOOMED NOW'[/i] [i]'YOUR FAULT'[/i] The Princess had turned away at the sight of the grievous injury to the nem's throat, hand over her mouth. For someone unaccustomed to violence, a grisly sight like that even if it had long since healed was enough to turn someone's stomach. "... I-I'm sorry, she... she... wh-who could have done that? Wh-why...?" she stammered, her body shaking as her eyes slowly drifted back towards the diminutive girl... The guards did not lower their weapons. One was shorter then the other, and more slender. The other was an absolute mountain of the man. The shorter of the two, a young woman, spoke. "I'll admit I'd hoped the night would go far better than this." "What [i]is[/i] going on?" a much sharper and much younger voice came from nearby. The source was the grey-haired young girl, Veileena Cal. Beside her stood the silent, black-armored figure of Haelstadt, seeming perhaps ever so slightly more tense for action. The both of the had apparently been rather distant from the assassination when it had occurred, and given the Lady Cal's youth and small size the sight had likely been obscured from her entirely. "I have heard cries of an assassin," she continued, "If such grievous action against the crown has been conducted, I am certain that all those capable of combat should be made avaliable, should they not?" [@HereComesTheSnow][@Asuras][@jdh97][@Animal][@TheFake][@Crimson Paladin][@PaulHaynek][@FlappyTheSpybot][@Raineh Daze][@ghastlyinc][@Krayzikk][@Heartfillia]